Chapter Eight

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A/N it's very exciting that we are officially in new territory in regards to their past. The time skip is coming within the next few chapters just as a heads up. Also! I have officially outlined every chapter for this fic and it should end up being about thirty nine chapters and an epilogue but as we all know, I am notorious in making things longer than they are supposed to be so we shall see. Lastly, apologies it took so long to update. My computer was broken accidentally by a family member over the holidays and I hate writing on my phone and my new classes in school are killing me. Also in rereading what I had written in previous chapters to prep to write more, I realized there are a number of continuity errors in the first few chapters due to me melding stuff I wrote years ago with stuff I'm writing now. Don't worry guys, I'm gonna go back in and fix it.


It was a simple mission the pair were sent on. Some case or another involving "undesirables" lurking around in some factory a company owned. Y/n and Dazai had practically begged to be assigned to it together. They got to go on missions as a pair so infrequently, and the boss couldn't really refuse when it was just a simple scouting mission, to find out who was hiding out in the factory and what they were doing. 

The mission before the real mission, that's all it was supposed to be.

The factory was large and for the most part, in very good condition. Not the ambiance either detective was expecting from their clients descriptions, it was packed full of large pine crates. Dazai popped one open out of curiosity.

"It's... t-shirts?" he announced in a questioning tone to Y/n who was on the other side of the room, examining a window for signs of a break in.

"Osamu!" She gasped, turning to face him, "You can't just do that! This isn't our property, close it back up now!"

"You never know, the people we're looking for could be hiding in one of these." he shrugged, sliding the lid back on the crate, "Or they could be emptying out the company's merchandise and using it to hide smuggled arms or something."

Y/n shook her head, walking over to her boyfriend with her hands on her hips.

"Where do you get these ideas?" she asked with a slight laugh, looking up at him.

"You forget, I have some experience in being the bad guy." he teased back and she laughed again.

"Come on, theres no sign of forced entry in this room and you've cleared the... crates... or whatever. Lets check the next room?"

Dazai surveyed the space with a final look before nodding.

"Yeah, alright." he nodded, following Y/n into the next room of the warehouse.

It was divide into four separate spaces. The room they had just been in was the entry way. According to the owner of the space, their client, there were two more storage rooms off of the main one with a small office in the back.

"I've never been in a store room set up like this." Y/n mused as she flipped on the lights in the next room.

This one, like the previous one, was filled nearly to the ceiling with neatly stacked pine crates. 

"No windows." she hummed, looking around, "And the one in the first room showed no signs of forced entry... there's probably either some back door or window they've been using to get in and out or..."

"Or they have a key." Dazai finished curiously, "Now, wouldn't that be interesting?"

Y/n scoffed, running a finger along the top of a nearby crate. It came away covered in a thin layer of dust.

"That would mean the client was working against us, trying to trap us." she sighed, "I've been working here a while and nothing like that has ever happened. Not once. I've never even heard older members talk about something like that."

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