Chapter Six

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"I.. I just wanted to thank you for taking care of me the other night when.. Ya know..." mumbled Y/n as she handed Dazai a small package wrapped in pale pink fabric, "I made them."

He looked down at the package in his hands, pleasantly surprised. It had been about a week since the festival. After he had dropped her at home, neither had mentioned what had occurred.

"I'm sorry I got so drunk."

"It's fine, you were just trying to keep up with me. Thank you, for these."

They had been delicious. Dazai kept thinking about the cookies Y/n had made for him for days after. They had been light and chewy and tasted like honey and cinnamon. She really was quite a talented baker which came as a surprise since she needed so much help with so many other things. It was ridiculous how often she needed to be reminded to go home or how many mornings she came in with bags beneath her eyes because she'd been reading a book or binging some show. She was like a child, only eating sweets and snacks unless someone else brought her a proper meal.

However, as annoying as it was that she never took proper care of herself, Dazai found it endearing in some strange way. He took pride in the fact that she let him take care of her in some ways like that night at the festival. He had even started packing two lunches everyday so she'd get some proper nutrition, much to everyone in the office's surprise. That's why he found it so odd when promptly at five thirty pm, Y/n announced she was leaving.

"Alright guys, I'll see you tomorrow." She called to her friends and coworkers, grabbing her bag which was covered in rabbits and tugging the bottom of her yellow sundress in an attempt to rid it of some of the wrinkles.

"And where are you off to." Dazai teased, leaning back in his chair and putting his hands behind his head.

Her cheeks flushed pink and she looked away, fiddling with the handle of her bag.

"Well... I actually have a date." she confessed.

His heart stopped. Since he had realized how pretty she was that night, how his heart had begun to skip a beat at the sight of her smile when it was directed towards him, Dazai had tried not to think about it.

"A date?" he repeated, "With whom?"

"Just this guy I met at the park a few days ago. He's really sweet."

"Oh yeah?" Yosano smiled, "That's really great Y/n. Good luck."

"Just lemme know if he does anything creepy." Tanizaki added, walking over to her.

"What are you, my big brother?" laughed Y/n as she softly punched the redhead's shoulder.

"You wish." Naomi playfully responded from where she stood by the printer.

"Very seriously though Y/n," Kunikida began, actually deigning to look up from his work at the young girl, "if anything happens, call one of us immediately."

"I'll be fineee." she groaned in annoyance, "I promise. Not everyone is like that creep who stalked me. Besides, I haven't been on a date in forever. I'm eighteen, it's what I should be doing."

Kunikida just looked at her, eyebrows raised.

"Just be careful, Y/n." Dazai said, standing up suddenly from his desk and shoving his hands into his pockets, "Okay?"

She looked over at me for a second, a look of confusion flashing across her face before she smiled.

"Okay, I will be." she nodded, "I promise."

And with that she was gone.

Dazai fell back into his desk chair and ran a hand through his hair. He was stressed, abnormally so, and couldn't quite figure out why. While everyone in the office had gotten back to their work by now, Dazai stayed distracted, staring at the ceiling and trying to figure out why his chest was twisting the way it was.

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