Chapter 4: The Journey Home

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Entering Svartlfheim Thor searches for Brokkr and Eitri. Once at their house he knocks.

"Who is it?" Brokkr yells from inside.


"You sure as Odin don't sound like Thor"

"Just open the door dwarf"

Brokkr opens the door and in the shadow of Thor he almost falls down.

"Let me guess you're from the future"

"How did you know?"

"That hammer you got strapped to your side, we just made one and a few other pieces for Odin, Thor and Loki. Well they weren't exactly for Loki they were just for Thor and Odin but Lokis life was on the line if we didn't make em'."

"Loki is dead"

"Your Loki or young Loki?"

"The Loki of this timeline"

"Well good thing you didn't kill him a few days ago or that hammer wouldn't exist, you got lucky. So why did you kill the little squirt?"

"His son, the snake is the cause of my death or was until we took its soul. It no longer has the purpose to kill me, just for good measure I killed Loki as well."

"Well good for you come on in"

Thor enters Brokkrs home and they walk to the forging room.

"What do you need?"

"I need a time glass to get back to my time, I wish you return home and live the remainder of my life in peace."

"Can't blame you there, luckily for you we have the second time glass we were suppose to give to Tyr but he never needed it. Take it and get out before you stink up this house anymore. You still have blood on you"

"Very well, thank you Brokkr."

Thor exits their home and returns to the world tree. Stepping off the ledge once more he breaks the glass. Plummeting in the abyss he feels something is wrong. Sticking the landing a little better he lands at the entrance gate to Asgard. He walks through and searches for Loki just to be sure his plan worked. He makes his way to Odins study.

"Where is Loki old man?"

"Loki died ages ago Thor why do you search for him?"

"No reason but just to make sure" Thor says as he punches his father in the face.

"Why did you do that? Do you want me to have your head?"

"No just making sure no illusions were being made here"

"Go before I order death on you"

Thor turns and leaves, slowly making his way back to Midgard. Once he is there he decides to see Mimir before returning home, he climbs the mountain once again to Mimirs prison.

"I knew I'd see your ugly mug again brother"

"Good to see you too old friend"

"Well how did your last kill go?"

"As expected, his soul rests in Jotunheim with Angroboda."

"I'm surprised you care as much as you hated Loki"

"I am a killer Mimir not a heartless monster"

"There have been times where I beg to differ"

"That's the old Thor, I go to rest now and live in peace."

"Good on you brother, you go in peace and I hope to see you in another life."

"I will make sure of it old friend"

Thor climbs back down the mountain and takes the path back home. Once arrived he opens his door and there in the dark, sits Odin.

"Why are you here father?"

"You disrespected me and expect me to brush it off?"

"I take it you changed your mind"

"That I did, show me what that hammer can do"

"You've seen it at work before.... Loki"

The illusion of Odin drops and there stands Loki.

"Why the illusion"

"I knew you'd kill me as soon as you walked in if I had shown myself. But how did you know it was me?"

"Odin is too drunk and lazy to make the trip down here"

"I did not consider that"

"Foolish child, I was ready to die in peace but knowing you're still alive is making me reconsider that and earn my place in Valhalla.

"That you will, but I'm not the foolish one... you are"

In that moment the earth starts to shake and crashing through the roof is Jormungandur, just as big as he should be not soulless and dead.

"But how?"

"Did you really think I'd let you kill my son? I thought you'd know me better than that by now."

"You play it well trickster, how much of it was an illusion?"

"Oh all of it I never went with you I sent an illusion in my place. I could see all that was happening but never stepped foot out of my house. Everyone was in on it, accept Mimir I was worried he'd detect me but he didn't."

"You were always a clever one, if this is how it has to end then so be it."

Thor calls Mjolnir to his hand and throws it at the snake with all his might, the snake flies back and Thor follows. Trading blow for blow the fight is one to remember, finally with both tired out the snake sprays Thor with his poison. So much of it that Thor falls to the ground. He attempts to take a step, he takes nine and falls to the ground. His hammer falls next to him the lightning fading. Loki stands over him smirking.

"Well well, the god of thunder is defeated."

"Shut up trickster I am dying with dignity here today, I wanted to go out in peace but that's not who I am. I am not a calm person I am the god of thunder, I have proven my worth today and I will be remembered throughout the land."

"Quite the speech for a dead man. I will have Odin take your hammer and put it in the vault"

"No, I may be dead but the hammer is not keep it away from everyone. No one should have it, have the snake dig you a hole with its nose and bury it deep in the earth."

"As you wish, it was good to see you in battle one last time Thor."

"It was good to fight one last time, farewell Loki."

A storm falls over Midgard lightning crashes as Thor's spirit ascends to Valhalla. The cold air hits Loki and he is teleported to the top of the mountain where Mimir is imprisoned.

"You've really done it now boy"

"What did I do?"

"You've started bloody Ragnarok"

"How could I have? Thor is dead!"

"That's what starts it, giant killing Asier"

"I thought it was Baldur that had to die."

"Bloody no! Giant killing Asier is what starts Ragnarok, you'd better go hide with your giants and take cover boy. You've got a trail of Hel on your back now."

Loki goes to assemble his army in Jotunheim, in trying to prevent Ragnarok he made it much worse. Now not only does he have a war on his hands but revenge from the Asier, blood in their eyes the Asier assemble. A vengeful Magni now wields Mjolnir, since Loki did not do as Thor wished. Mjolnir now being in his son's hands is full of rage and revenege for his father. You can never prevent the future only postpone or make it come sooner with fear of death.

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