Chapter 13

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I knew it I knew it I knew it. I just knew I couldn't trust him still.

I continue driving down the road and pick up my phone to try to text Lizzy and see if I can come stay again.

hey lizzy can i come back over im

You're what? What's up? Can you call?

Before I have time to react, I feel a sudden force hit the car, causing me to immediately black out.



Darryl POV

I keep trying to call, only for it to continuously go to voicemail. Please please pick up, I have to explain.

*Knock Knock Knock*

I rush to the door and fling it open hoping to see Zak, only to see a disgusting pile of trash in front of me.

"Ugh. Abby."

"What's up cutie."

"Leave Abby-"

She pushes herself in and makes her way to the fridge, grabbing herself a drink.

"I said leave Abby, Please."

She turns around and rolls her eyes.
"You don't actually want me to leave silly, stop being all mad because I ruined your friendship."
I sigh and put my hands over my face.

"No, Abby. I want nothing to do with you anymore, just please leave."

She looks annoyed at first and then grins as if she gets an idea.
"Okay I'll leave."

I almost felt relieved, until she snatches the phone out of my hand and runs out the door.


I run after her and see her running down the hall. Not wanting to chase her and look crazy, I felt the tears start to gather from frustration.





I slowly blink my eyes open and come face to face with Lizzy, who's seemed to have been crying.

"You're finally awake! How are you feeling?"

You process where you are, a hospital? Why am I here?

You look down and see your body wrapped up in various places, trying to recall the last thing you could remember.

"Was I in an accident?"

Lizzy's face saddens, "Yes, you were T-boned at an intersection. The doctor was shocked you broke no bones."

My mind races and all I can think about is Darryl.

"Can I use your phone to call someone real quick?"
"Of course!"
"Thanks so much"

I quickly grab the phone from her and start dialing Darryl's number. He picks up, making yourself feel at ease.
"Hey Darryl I-"

"Oh sorry Darryl isn't awake right now. He's taking a nap after the sex we had, you're gonna have to call back a different time! Bye bye!"

The phone call ends and I'm stuck with the beeping from the other line, filling my thoughts. No words escape as I let tears fall, causing Lizzy to seem worried.

"Something wrong?"

"Yeah just the guy Im in love with is actually in love another girl."

I sigh and let more tears fall, accepting the fate of the relationship.

She sighs and leans down to hug me,
"Im sorry, I genuinely know you don't deserve that. You deserve better."

I hug her back and those words linger in my head.

I do deserve better.



Darryl POV

No way to contact Zak or even check my phone, I feel stuck. I don't want to get police involved, but I feel like I have no choice anymore.

Time to head to the police station.

I hop in the car and start driving, trying to clear my head.

I notice a bad accident getting cleaned up under the intersection, trying to get a closer look at the wreckage.

Holy that Zak's car?!

I've got to get to the hospital NOW.





I lay there, somewhat comfortable, somewhat killing my spine, wondering what Darryl is doing at this very moment.
I try to shake my mind from it by talking to Lizzy.

"Hey you can leave whenever you want by the way, I don't expect you to stay here."

She looks at me with a half smile, almost surprised I would say that.
"You know I would never leave you here alone, I'll stay as long as I need."

Her hand caresses my cheek, making me blush slightly. "T-thank you Lizzy that means a lot." 

"Of course, Zak."

She smiles and leans in and kisses my check where her hand once was, causing my cheeks to turn bright red. I smile at her, hoping this can keep my mind off things.

Darryl POV

I arrive at the hospital and run inside.

"Hi Have y'all gotten a patient in recently for a car crash? His name is Zak."

The Lady looked on her computer for a second and then pointed me towards the correct room. I fast walk and read all the room numbers.
"120,121,122,123,124! 124 there it is!"

I peak in the room to make sure it's the correct one, and see a girl in the room with Zak? I then see Zak sit up and learn in toward her...odd?

Wait, now he's kissing her?


I don't understand...

AHHHHH guys I hope y'all like, IM SORRY IT SAD RN ILL UPDATE SOON PINKY PROMISE  ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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