Chapter 10

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Darryl POV

I dont care anymore. I dont care how he feels about me loving him. Im too hurt. Im hoping thats theres a slim chance he might still love me. I just am too hurt to keep living like this.

" me?"
"Yes Zak. I love you. A lot. And I can't keep living like this and living with you. Its too painful. I-im sorry... you have to leave."

Before he can say anything I stand up and more tears fall down my eyes as I walk past him into my room. I cry for what feels like hours before falling sleep on my tear stained pillow.


I pack my stuff and can barley see with how much im crying.

I go to my car and just drive and drive.

Where am i gonna live?

I text Lizzie and tell her about what's happening.

L- Oh my gosh im so sorry!! U can stay at my house for a while if you would like to, I have a few spare bedrooms!!

Z- Oh my god thank you so much you're amazing

Two weeks later

A few weeks have passed and me and Lizzie are now dating. I havent talked to Darryl since, still very hurt about everything. Suddenly I hear I get a text from someone.

D- Hey zak...its me. I know things didnt end well but I was hoping we could still team together for MinecraftMonday?>_>

Z- I mean sure I guess, I dont see why not

I know this is gonna be hard for me.

Monday comes and I join his teamspeak, trying to act and sound normal at the sound of his voice.
Ive missed him so much.

"So Zak, how is everything?"

"Things are good, I got a girlfriend, I am pretty stable."

He stays silent for a few seconds and then responds.

"O-oh. Cool. Im happy for you."

I can hear the strain in his voice. I want to hug him and just tell him its okay...but I cant.

Me and him play together and I have more fun than ive had in so long. We do so good together and just talking to him makes me feel whole again. We talked for hours after MinecraftMonday and I swear I could talk to him for days. I never get bored of him.

"Hey...Zak im gonna go to bed really tired"

"Noooo Bad you cant."

"Umm why not?"

"Because I said."

"Zak it doesnt work that-"






"Oh my goodness."

I can hear his face palm and I giggle while muting the mic.

"Im just kiddinggg Baddddd."

He sighs and I can hear him slightly giggle too.

"You are a pain."

"But ya still love me."

I realize what I said and mute my mic, cringing to myself.

Ohmygodohmygod whats wrong with me im so stupid.

He just laughs awkwardly before continuing on the conversation.

"Well I seriously gotta go, Ill talk to you tomorrow maybe?"

"Yeah sure."

"Okay bye."


I leave the teamspeak and tears form in my eyes as I start to remember the relationship me and him had.

I love when me and him would kiss. I love when he would get mad and me and him would argue over dumb stuff.

I love him

I love him. I really love him.

I cant keep denying it. I really love him. And he loves me. Im so stupid. What am I doing.

I run in the living room, finding Lizzie.

She looks at me with a worried look.

"Zak whats-"

"Lizzie Im so sorry. I have no time to explain. We cant date anymore. I really liked you but i need to tell Darryl I love him."

She sighs and looks down but kinda smiles.

"Do u really think I couldnt tell? I mean your whole view count pretty much knew that."

I smile and kiss her on the cheek, grabbing my stuff and then bolting out the door. I get in my car and drive over there.

I get up to the door and bang on it, wanting to hurry and see him. After a few minutes the door opens and I meet eyes with a sleepy Darryl whos eyes widen as he sees me.

"Z-zak? What-"

Before he can finish I throw my lips onto his, causing him to flinch, but then melt into the kiss.

I drop my stuff and I grab his waist, letting him put his arms around my neck. I pull away and smile, seeing tears form in his eyes.

"I love you Darryl."

He smiles and looks down, but then meets my eyes again, this time seeing the tears fall down his face.

"I love you too Zak."

I embrace him tightly, squeezing all the life from him.

"O-owW!! zaKkK!!"

I laugh and kiss him all over his cheeks, causing him to go beet red. I then kiss his lips softly and pick him up. I spin him around and he squeals as i throw him onto the couch.

"Movie. Now. Me and you. Sex after."

He looks at me with shock and turns even redder.


"OKAY?" , I say sternly, causing him to laugh a little.

"O-okay grumpy."

I smile and plop down next to him, kissing him on his cheek once again.

Finally, things are good.

Ahhhh:DD Im so glad everyone loves the story:}

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