chapter 1

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Somewhere in the middle of Scotland, there's a castle hidden from view. Those who could see the castle had magical abilities and the very same castle stood as a school to teach the children of the uk who had these magical abilities. The children who were witches, wizards and sorcerers. The school was founded many years ago by two witches and two wizards. They wanted to protect the children and teach them how to control their magic. So they made a school a school which taught Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Herbology, Flying lessons, Arithmancy, Muggle Studies, Divination, Study of Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures, Apparition lessons and Alchemy. The school was split into four houses that would compete to earn points to win the house cup. The houses were: 
~ Slytherin (ambition, resourcefulness, determination, and cleverness)
~ Ravenclaw (the "smart House," values learning, wisdom, wit, creative thinking and intellect)
~ Hufflepuff (strong sense of justice, loyalty, patience, and a propensity for hard work.)
~ Gryffindor (bravery, honour, loyalty, and boldness)

But as the years went on, Hogwarts went through everything. Wars happened. Death happened. Distrupution happened. All because of people's blood status. You see The wizarding world was built off of rich pureblood families. But because of all the inbreeding between the purebloods, purebloods started creating families with magical beings who come from non magical families (Muggleborns).  No one knew where the muggleborns came from. Some theraised that they were ancestors of Squibs. Some theraised that they were the savours or destroyers of the wizarding world. No one truly knew. All they knew was that the children of purebloods and muggle borns become magical beings called Half bloods. Children of half blood and half-bloods,  muggleborns and muggles, pureblood and half blood, half blood and muggles and pureblood and muggles all make half bloods.  You need four magical great grandparents to be classed as pureblood. After years and years of this, people forgot who the first half blood was or why we had half bloods at all because of the prejudices of certain pureblood families who hate on muggles (non magical beings) and muggleborns. More and more squibs started being born. Inbreeding still happened between the sacred 28, the purest of purebloods. But not all purebloods were part of the sacred 28, not all purebloods hate muggles and muggleborns. So half-bloods kept being made. You would think half bloods would be the best of both worlds. Muggle and magic but no. Not all half bloods like muggles and muggleborns and not all Half-bloods dated muggleborns. Some hated them because of how they were raised. Muggleborns were always being born though. So the world was filled with wars. So in the end Hogwarts had to be rebuilt. 

Which brings us to now. December 2005. The year of the roster. The year the now king Charles (who is a pureblood wizard by the way) married the divorced muggle, Camilla Parker Bowles. The year hurricane Katrina hit. 

In a tower at the left side of Hogwarts, there was a room. A room with light blue walls and a pale red carpet. A room with rainbow been bags, a couch and a couple of odd looking chairs. A room with a bookshelf filled to the top with books. A room with a set of drawers filled with different comfort items like fidgets. A room with a craft table. A room with a craft corner. A room that linked to a sensory room. A room that linked to a room with a cosy bed. A room that was beautiful. 

In the middle of the room was a man. The man had shoulder length bright red hair. On top of the hair was a purple witch hat that had a black lace bow and a lace sheet all around the face (that had purple Lipstick on its lips). He was wearing a white button up shirt and grey shorts. The shorts are held up by trans flag suspenders. He was also wearing a long sleeveless, fashioned black coat and rainbow boots. The man was setting up the room for the next day cause it's like 6pm. When suddenly…


“COME IN”  the man had a deep voice but his accent is what throws most people. It sounded posh but also kind of yorkshire. Anyway, a young boy came in. He has a pale skin complexion, dark black hair and dark brown eyes. He was wearing the masculine slytherin uniform. “Ah Keiran take a seat” the man said before sitting down on a wired looking spinny chair. Keiran looked at him (slightly judgy) before sitting down on the sofa. 

“So how can I help you today?” The man asked. “My head of house said I had to talk to you or something” the man nodded and hinted for Keiran to continue “does…. Does my parents being evil make me evil? The other kids at Rema's say it does but… I don't know. Does it?” The man smiles softly “do you feel evil?” 


“Do you feel evil?” 

“No but my” 

“Then you are not evil”

“But my abilities and my parents are evil” 

“I wasn't asking about them. I was asking about you” 

“What im confused” 

“ok. Think of it this way. Was Harry Potter Evil because he had the Ability to speak to snakes?” 

“Well no bu-” 

“Was Sherry Slytherin evil because her father was Voldemort?” 

“No. She was good. Rema talks about her all the time. Says she even saved Quinn from him” 

“See. You’re not evil because of two things that you have no control of. No one is evil or bad because of things we can’t control. If we were, i’d have been given the dementor's kiss ages ago” 

“What do you mean, Professor?” 

“why don't you get comfortable. I'm going to tell you a story that will hopefully change your mind over what makes someone evil” 

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