chapter 4

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“Thank you. So 6th year was the 1974/1975 and the year started off like any other...” 


All the students of Hogwarts all made their way to platform 9¾ to catch the Hogwarts express to go back to Hogwarts for the new year. Students were excited to go back to Hogwarts, to see and hang out with their friends again (and in some cases to get away from their parents for half of the year). All the students rushed onto the train and into compartments with their friends. All the students were in their out of school clothes. No one could be bothered to get into uniform yet. 

Johny's older siblings, Josephine, Jeremiah and Joaquinn, had all graduated. So out of the Ditton family only Julius (7th year), Johny (6th year), Jasmine (age 6), Juliette (age 3), Jayline (age 1) and the parents were the only family on the platform. Johny was miserable. Johny's hair was all chopped up and short like a bad hairdresser had cut it all off. Johny being forced to wear a summer dress again. Johny was miserable.  


“Why are you wearing that?”

“You'll see” 



Johny was about to sneak way from his family when his father grabs his arm tightly “stay here Joanne. Julius you can go. Martha, take the littles. I need to have a word with our daughter”. The others nod and leave, leaving Johny and the father alone.  “Now Joanne. You are a woman. You will act like a woman. You will wear dresses and make up. You will wear make up. You will stop acting like a man. You will wear the hat or this wig at all times” he says as he shoves a ginger wig into Johny's spare hand as johny cries out in pain as the grip tightens more “if you do anything to disappoint us or anything to show you aren't a woman, there will be survivor consequences. And I mean survivor, Joanne. You are 17 soon. Do you understand?” with that the father let go and walked off leaving Johny with a bruised wrist. 

Johny quickly ran onto the train and hid himself away from the world. He his himself away and cried. He was in physical pain so he cried. His wrist wasn't the only part him that was bruised. He was mentally at war so he cried. It was all too much for him so he cried. He was a man. He needed to be seen as a man. He needed to be recognised as a man. But he hated his short hair. He hated the wig to. He hated how wearing a dress made everyone think he was a girl or how a dress fitted his chest but he loved the freedom of wearing a dress. He wanted,  no needed to be seen as a man so desperately but he was in so much pain mentally. He wanted to hide away from the world but also be seen with his new male look. He just 


The train had arrived at Hogwarts. There was no time to run away now. Johny quickly cleaned his face of any clues that he had been crying before geting in the masculine Hufflepuff uniform. He then rushhes off the train and followers the rest of the students onto the carriages up to Hogwarts.

When the students finally arrived at Hogwarts, Johny went straight to his and Vaga's dorm. He skipped the mandatory welcome feast and sorting. He couldn't deal with everyone right now. He couldn't deal with Vaga's worry. So he spent the feast unpacking then pretended to be asleep when Vaga came up. But he couldn't avoid Vaga forever. The next morning he was woken up by Vaga. 

“Where were you last night?” 

“Good morning to you to Vaga” 

“Johny, where were you last night?” 

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