chapter 5

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After 7th year, I had enough of my parents and my siblings being the cause of all my problem so I ran away to America and i

“What year was this?”


“So you weren't involved in the 1st wizarding war? Cowed”

“I wouldn’t have been much help. Now in america - 

“Wait. is this again to be another story that doesn’t do anything to answer my question?”


“Just tell me the gist of it and get to the good stuff”

“Fine. I trained myself in potions. I become super masculine to come off as a cis man in America. I legally changed my name. But that put my mind at war again and I still got misgendered.  So i said … fudge it. “ 

“Nice cover sir”

“Yeah yeah. I started wearing slightly feminine boy clothes. But before i could go properly me, i went on Testosterone potions and got magical Top surgery. Then I  started wearing what I want. Sometimes i wear dresses. Sonetimes i go super feminine. Sometimes i wear wired outfits like today. I grew my hair out. “ 

“Well … it looks good on you?” 

“Thanks. After that crisis, I started questioning my sexuality. I dated a few girls…. Well i dated a lot of girls.” 

“You straight? Ha” 

“I don't pass that well do i? 

“No you don't” 

“So as you know, I realised I was gay.’ 

“When did you cone back to the uk?” 

“I came back in 1997”

“Why did you come back if America was so great?” 

“Well Julius was dead. He died in the first war. Vaga actually killed him. The twins were death eaters and stuck in azkaban. And welll….” 


Somewhere in the middle of Scotland, there's a castle hidden from view. Those who could see the castle had magical abilities and the very same castle stood as a school to teach the children of the uk who had these magical abilities. The children who were witches, wizards and sorcerers. The school was founded many years ago by two witches and two wizards. They wanted to protect the children and teach them how to control their magic.  But parts of the castle was on fire. Students were injured and crying. 

A man was walking through the grounds. The man had shoulder length bright red hair. On top of the hair was a purple witch hat that had a black lace bow and a lace sheet all around the face (that had red Lipstick on its lips). He was wearing a dress that complimented the makeup, a long sleeveless, black coat and rainbow boots. In his hand was a brief case. 

He walked through the grounds heading in the office. He was confused and concerned on what was going on. But he soon bumped into a teacher. And i mean literally bumped into a teacher. 

“Excuse me, who are you and how did you get on the grounds of Hogwarts?” 

“Hello Professor Mcgonagall. Its me Johny Dittion. You might know me as Joanne” 

“Oh Johny you look so different. I haven't seen you since …” 

“I know Professor” 

“Why are you here? Your not a death eater are?” 

“No I'm not. Why would a death eater be on the grounds? Did something happen? I swear i'm only here because I have a job interview with Dumbledore.  “ 

“Come with me. I have some explaing” 

So the boy, Johny, went with Mcgonagall to her office. And Mcgonagall explained everything. She explained the second wizarding war. She explained how Dumbledore died. 

“How do I help, Professor?”  


“So I joined the order of the phoenix. I started going on missions. I helped sneak children away to safety. I got children away from death situations. I got children away from their death eater relatives, like I did with Talia” 

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