chapter 3

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“It was September 1974 and I was….” 


The school year of 1974/1975 started off like any other year. All the students of Hogwarts all made their way to platform 9¾ to catch the Hogwarts express to go back to Hogwarts for the new year. Students were excited to go back to Hogwarts, to see and hang out with their friends again (and in some cases to get away from their parents for half of the year). All the students rushed onto the train and into compartments with their friends. All the students were in their out of school clothes. No one could be bothered to get into uniform yet. 

Joanne's older siblings, Josephine, Jeremiah and Joaquinn, had all graduated. So out of the Ditton family only Julius (7th year), Joanne (6th year), Jasmine (age 6), Juliette (age 3), Jayline (age 1) and the parents were the only family on the platform. Joanne was miserable. Joanne's hair was all chopped up and short like a bad hairdresser had cut it all off. 

“When did that happen? What happened to the long hair? And when did you start wearing trousers?” 

“Oh I thought you didn’t want to know anything that happened that wouldn’t answer your question?”

“I do now. Tell me why your hair is like that”

 “Sure. It was my 5th year. The year started September 1973.” 


With August 1973 coming to an end and September 1973 just beginning, magical students from all around the UK pack up their things and rush to London to catch the Hogwarts Express from platform 9¾ at Kings Cross Station. The platform was once again filled with tons of different families. The Weasleys, The Potter, The McKinnons, the Evans, The Lovegoods, the Snapes, the Crouch's, the Rosiers, the Lupins, The Dittons and so many more. The platform was filled with lots of different families.

The Ditton family was smaller than normal. You see Josephine, Jeremiah and Joaquin had all graduated. Josephine (age 20) still lived at home but her father was looking for a suitable betrothed for her to marry. Jeremiah (age 20) had moved into a massive house in the middle of London near the ministry. He was now an apprentice at his father's business. Joaquin (age 18) had only just graduated and was still living at home, looking for a job. Also over the summer, Mrs Dittion had given birth to a beautiful baby girl called Jayline who had specks of brown hair. So she was at home with the baby. This left Mr Dittion, Julius, Joanne, Jazmine (a blond girl aged 5) and Juliette (a brown haired girl aged 2). Joanne's hair was still very long and ginger but she was wearing the femmine school uniform already. 

As the students all rushed onto the train,  Joanne was held back because her father wanted to have a word with her.  “You must keep the reputation of the Ditton family. Joanne, you can't keep getting in trouble and being in detention. It's bad enough you are in Hufflepuff. Be more like your Julius here. If you get in trouble, don't get court. Don't you dare wear all those boy clothes. Do you hear me? Girls wear skirts and dresses not trousers or shorts. All of you will only date someone of our choice. Do you all understand? If you do anything to ruin our reputa-” Joanne didn't hear the rest of the conversation as she had snuck onto the train. 



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