chapter 6

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“Wait, who's Talia?” 

“I probably shouldn't have mentioned her. It's a long story. But if i told you about her,  it would probably answer your question.” 

“Just tell me who this Talia is and why you had to rescue them?” 

“Are you sure?” 


“Fine. But to understand her, I have to start in july 1997” 



A young girl around 17 years old was tied to a chair. She had a blond mullet and blue eyes. Her purple lipstick was smudged and her eyeliner was running down her face as she spit out blood. The girl was wearing a light blue crop top that was now covered in wet and dry blood. She had leggings on that were all ripped where she had been cut with a knife. 

“Oh stop screaming Talia. You know I hate to do this but I have to punish you for ignoring my letters and the dark mark calls” 

The girl, Talia, was screaming in pain as a crusty old grey man with no hair or noise was torturing her with the cruciatus spell. 

“d-does R-rose now you are doing this, Uncle To- AHHHH!” 

“I told you not to call me that. I am lord Voldemort”


“I didn't know Voldemort had a niece” 

“Well he doesn't anymore. He has a tree” 


“Nothing. I'll just continue” 


After a while of torture, Voldemort took Talia back to her room (he put death eaters on her door) amd walked off believing she would stay there. 

Talia had other plans though.  

Talia grabs a bag and starts packing. She didn't pack any clothes. No that would make her too recognisable. She packed the money she had stocked up in a little bag. She packed food that she had been hiding. She packed water battles. She packed books on spells. She packed a muggle first aid kit. She packed her time turner that belonged to her mum. She packed her gringotts key to the vault full of her mum's money. 


“Wait, who are her parents?” 

“Well her father was the jurk Caractacus Burke. Not much is known about her mum though. I only know what Talia knew which wasn't allowed because Abraxas, Voldemort and the house elf that raised Talia refused to talk about her and all the files about her were wiped. What I do know is that she was Voldemort's younger sister. She was quiet. The people who do remember her always remembered the weird hand movements she made while talking. Her talking was rare though. Umm she gave Talia up to Abraxes and Tom a week before Tom died and a month before she died herself.” 

“Oh wow” 

“Yeah. Anyway..” 


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