chapter 2

9 0 0

“Our Story begins in Good old September 1969 on platform 9 3⁄4. I was 11 and I…” 


Platform 9 ¾ filled with kids and their families from all over the uk. The platform was overflowing. The only kids without families on the platform were the children who came from muggle homes or were orphans. Families of all different sizes filled the platform, from families with tons of children to families with just one child to one As you can guess, the platform was filled with noise as the children said goodbye to the parents and siblings who don’t go to Hogwarts while greeting their friends for the first time in 2 or more months. 
The Hogwarts Express was ready to leave. 
All the children, ages ranging from 11 years old to 17 years old, rush onto the Hogwarts express, all hoping to get the best compartment for their friend group before anyone else does. Soon the platform was empty of all Hogwarts students except for those whose parents want to have a “word” with them. 

In the middle of all the comotion there was a little 11 year old girl. The girl had very long ginger hair that went just below her bum and brown eyes. She was the only ginger in her family. The girl was wearing a light blue summer dress and a witches hat. The girl was standing with her parents and his 1 year old sister in his mother's arms. They were watching as the girl's 4 older siblings climbed onto the train. “Can i go no-” the girl asked before being shushed by her father “No Joanne. We need to talk to you first. You are to keep our reputation as Dittions. Your grandfather and i have spent years perfecting our reputation so we aren't seen as just half bloods that was coursed by your stupid great grandmother. So you better not tarnish that. You will be in slytherin or at least ravenclaw. If you end up in gryffindor or…. Hufflepuff. You will be punished. You end up in dentent even once, you will be punished. Do you understand Joanne?”.  The girl, Joanne quickly nods. Finally she's allowed onto the train. As soon as she's on the train, she changes into her uniform and plats her haor before sitting in a random compartment. 


“Why are you telling me about this Joanne girl?” 

“Because Joanne was me. This 11 year old ginger girl i'm telling you about was me” 


“Yes i know your probably shocked i was once a g-” 


“Ha ha. I had 3 younger siblings to but two of them weren't born by 1969”




Once all the students were finally on the train and in a compartment, the train set off. The compartments were full of students chatting about everything and anything. Students eating sweets. Joanne endded up sitting with these random kids but they got on very well. 
Finally the train arrived at Hogwarts. 

All the students pailed off the train. The second years and older headed over to the carriages that were pulled by nothing while the 1st years climbed onto boats (in groups of 4) and sailed over to the school. 
Finally the first year students arrived outside the great hall, where they had to wait for the sorting. All the first year students were now in their uniform or they were meant to be anyway. The uniform conceited of:

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