New begginings

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Let me tell you who I used to be. I used to be a great person. I was funny. I was sarcastic. I didn't take any crap from anyone. People used to love/hate me. I was brutally honest but I guess some respected that. Some didn't even mind my sarcasm.

But that's who I used to be. That's past tense. Now, well...I'm a bit different. I don't really talk. There's not even a reason to anymore. People don't love me. They were all supportive for a while but they said I was taking too long to recover. Can you believe that? I still had the injuries but I was supposed to be okay with the situation. No. I don't have a reason to talk to anyone anymore. Who can I trust to really be there for me? Plus, eventually they will just be taken away from me.

Today is another new day for me. I have to go to a new school. My aunt got tired of me not talking anymore so I'm moving in with my older sister. She understands me. She lets me wallow and I let her ignore me.

As I walked into the school I wasn't nervous. Most people would worry about making friends or fitting in but as I said earlier. There's just no reason for that anymore.
People were already giving me stares. Who could blame them. I was in a boot, had a long arm cast on, and had multiple bruises and scars all over my face and body. I would stare at me too. After all, the human race is naturally curious.

Once I was in the office I was able to get my schedule. It seemed pretty simple. I was in AP classes. Just because you don't talk doesn't mean you're not smart. I am very smart.

My first class was calculus. What school would do that to you? Calculus was the most terrible first class of the day. On my way to the death trap I ran into another death trap. A human. I looked up at dark brown eyes and brown hair. He looked kind of like the bad ass type. He glared and snarled at me. And you know what? Even though I haven't talked in 4 weeks I really felt as if I wanted to tell him off. Instead I just sighed and walked away. I had a class to get to. He was not worth my time.
In the class there was a women there. She smiled at me.
"Why, you must be Maleah. Hello there I'm Miss Gostomsky Would you like to introduce yourself?"she asked.
I shook my head no.
"Oh okay hun. Take a seat in the last seat in the back please. Third row. Every other seat is taken."
I gave a nod and walked to where she told me. People were staring. Curiosity was one thing but at a certain point it just gets rude.
Five minutes into class and the teacher was still trying to explain a simple equation. The door slammed open. The mean guy I ran into earlier walked in.
"Hey Shonda." He said. His voice was very deep. Kind of scary actually.
Miss Gostomsky frowned. "Dane Walters. I said not to call me by my first name." She said.
He raised an eyebrow. "And when has that ever stopped me?"
Leaving her there with her mouth open Dane started walked towards me. I widened my eyes as he just smirked. He sat in the seat in front of me.
"Shonda, you may want to close your mouth before you eat a fly."
She snapped her mouth shut with a frown and continued the lesson.
Why on earth would someone get away with acting that way? It was just not right. Life is not right lately. Bad things need to stop happening.

At the end of class I got up as quick as I could but in the process of doing so, I dropped all my books. I sighed and got down to pick them up. Let me tell you something. Bending down in a boot is hard enough, also picking stuff up with one hand in a long arm cast is even harder. I sighed.

All of a sudden a hand reached down and picked up a book of mine.
It was Dane.
"Need help gimpy?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes.
"You know if you need help you can just ask?"
I shrugged.
"Are you mute?" He asked.
I shook my head no.
"Then what's wrong with you?" He asked with venom in his voice.
I looked up and glared at him. Since I finally had all my papers I snatched my book away from him and walked away as angrily as I could in a boot.
He was left chuckling behind me.

I'm glad that he thought that it was funny. Knowing he was having a laugh just SO made my day! NOT!!

The rest of the day was quite boring actually. Not that I minded. I still got stares and people still tried to get me to talk to them. After a few days they would get the hint. I wasn't going to talk. There's no reason to talk. Talking brings people together. I don't want to be close to anyone. Absolutely no one. You may think this sounds depressing. Really I don't think it is. Sure I'm sad all the time. But I'm content in my sadness. Also, when you don't talk you have much more time to listen. You find out a lot and notice a lot when all you do is observe. I know so many secrets and things I shouldn't know. It's kind of fun in that sense.


Two weeks have gone by. Two weeks since I've changed schools and lived with my sister. I still has the boot on. Unfortunately I would be in that thing for a long time. I still had dull bruises and very visible scars. I still had a long arm cast, that too would be on for a while.
I hadn't talked to anyone. Not even my sister.
Right now I was just coming into my sisters house after school. She was sitting on the bar stool in her kitchen.
"Maleah, may you come here a minute? I need to talk to you."
I nodded and sat down across from her.
"Maleah. I know you don't want to talk. You don't feel much of a reason to anymore and I understand that. A few words are necessary though. Can I ask something of you? Can you at least say yes and no, hi, your name, and maybe answer people's questions with at least one word answers. I don't want you to be rude but one word answers will at least say what's needed and not get you close to anyone."
I sighed.
"MaLeah I respect at the moment your reasoning. You're in grief and there's no reasoning with you anyway. I know eventually you may or may not change your mind but at least do this."
"Okay." I said my voice coming out raspy.
She smiled with joy and hugged me to pieces. My eyes started getting teary so I pulled away and went to my room before I cried.

Sitting on my bed I just touched my mouth. That was the first word I've said in 4 weeks. It felt a little...refreshing actually. I forgot what my voice sounded like.

A/N Well, how do you like it? Does it sound interesting? If you have any tips or misspells let me know please I would gladly take advice. The picture in this chapter is of Dane Walters( the bad boy) I will update another chapter tomorrow :)

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