A Very Christmas Epilogue (Butcher): Everything I Needed

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"I am not doing this," I said to the two assholes who were standing across from me, smirking.

"Listen, Bitcher, you lost fair and square." Fairy Boy would have been dead by now if the motherfucking fairies weren't always there to protect him. As it was, we'd had many lightning disagreements in the past however many years, with Hatch always laughing his ass off as he watched.

"I've never even heard of the fucking game," I grumbled. "And you two made the switch without asking, so not entirely fair."

"Listen, Rock, Paper, Scissors is a time-honored tradition used to solve many weighty, complex matters," Hatch added, his serious tone made a lie by the smirk on that fucker's face, which was about to be wiped off. He may not be protected by fucking fairies, but the bastard knew how to fight -- and he enjoyed it. Other than the natural fear we all had of protecting our wives and children, Hatch had not one bit of fear and I respected the hell out of him.

"It makes no sense. Paper's fucking useless for killing someone so it should never win. Rocks aren't a reliable, efficient way to kill someone unless it's a big enough rock and you're right in their face pounding it into their skull. Scissors should always win because when you stab them into the heart repeatedly, that never fails." They were looking at me, so, remembering my wife's advice, I added, "Hypothetically speaking."

Hatch grinned and muttered, "Hypothetical, my ass."

Burr jumped in. "I had to do this the past two years in a row and another two years beside that. Did you hear me whining about it?"

"I've done it three times in the last eleven years," Hatch added. "I manned up and did it. How you've always gotten out of it for eleven years, no fucking clue, but you lost this year, so suck it up, Butchercup, and just fucking do it." He batted his eyes at me like the smirking asshole he was and clasped his hands together in front of his chest. "If not for us, for the children. Pretty please, Bitcher?"

Children was right. Burr and Daisy had eight, Hatch and Harmony had five and Raine and I had six. Nineteen children, all ages eleven and under, were currently tearing up Melody and Liam's backyard, with Harmony and Burr's Nan -- who fucking creeped me out with the way she'd suddenly just stare into the distance and then nod as if she knew something -- and my mother-in-law and Hatch's father.

This had taken some getting used to, being around all of these people who weren't really family...but were. My wife loved Christmas and the first year we were married, in addition to decorating our house, she instituted a Christmas party for the Mayhem and decorated the motherfucking club house. Complete with a fucking tree and presents for all the brothers and their women. No club girls, however, because two minutes after we got married, Raine told me she was uncomfortable with the idea of club girls, so I got rid of them.

Not in a permanent sort of way or anything.

On Raine's advice, the MC gave each of the girls a good chunk of change to start their new lives and some career counseling and job leads -- and suddenly there were no girls around the club house unless they were girlfriends, wives or ol' ladies. Only ever saw one of the girls again back at the club house, but she was there in an entirely different capacity when she returned.

The brothers, if they were pissed about the lack of easy pussy, were smart enough not to bitch about it to my face or even within my hearing. When I'd announced the club girls' departure, I'd just told the brothers in church one day that the girls were going and if the only way the brothers could get laid was by having pussy on tap at the club house, then they needed to up their game. I ended the discussion by saying the MC would be giving the girls a generous fresh start in life.

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