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Jake's P.O.V.

I don't know what to do or where to go to find her. I need to talk to her. I'm better, I know I am. I've been going to therapy for my anger and I've been learning to control my temper. I just want to talk to her. I need to talk to her. She has my number blocked now, I've called her at least 30 times and every time it says, I've been blocked or can't be connected.

I don't know who to ask where she's went. I already asked Davis and he said he left right when I got to her house earlier and he hasn't received a text from her.

I've been driving for almost 3 hours, I decide to turn around and head to Henager. I'm almost positive she should be here. I swear if that Mariska girl is with her I'm going to be ticked. She's always stepping up, trying to defend Jacey and I wish she wouldn't. I'm not all that bad. There's more to me than what meets the eye. My anger comes from my childhood. My father was always gone and my mom was a drunk, and I was always left home with my older sister and younger brother. I had to do everything for myself. If there wasn't a week where I had to fight my mom off that meant she hadn't drunk in a while. I wish she would have sobered up for me and my brother, but no she stayed drunk all the time. She didn't care.

I was 13 when my parents got divorced. My dad got custody of us 3 kids and we still got left home alone. Not that far after we were finally settled in our new house, my siblings and I came to the realization that our dad was out doing illegal stuff. Who knows what? I still don't know to this day. I just know that I'm 19 now and that was 6 years ago. He was arrested 6 years ago.

Before he was caught, I would defend my younger brother, Carter against him. This raging man who would come home so angry at us, even though he hadn't seen us in days and sometimes weeks even.

My sophomore year, I was 16 when I met Jacelyn. She was in my English class. She was so smart, and beautiful. She had piercing blue eyes, and I couldn't help but look at them every chance I had. I was amazed by her, she was naturally beautiful. It took me weeks before I could gather up the courage and talk to her. I stopped her when she was with that Mariska girl and Davis at lunch one day. I didn't know what to say or do so I just asked for her number and she wrote it on my hand in pen, with a smile.

Her smile. I could go on for days about her smile. Heck, I could go on about her for weeks.

I really hope she's here, where I think she'll be. If not I don't know what I'm going to do. I want to find her and apologize for my bad behavior.

I'm finally pulling in to Davis' driveway. I get out of my car and go knock on the door. Why am I knocking, when I could just walk in? I open the door and walk in. Davis is laying on the couch staring mindlessly at the TV.

"Davis!" I yell at him and catch his attention.

"Hey, man. I didn't know you'd be by especially at 10 at night, why didn't you text?" 10? It's that late? I guess I had been driving longer than I thought.

"It was kind of a spur of the moment thing, I guess," I answer him.

"Well, I'm gonna go change. I'll be down in a few," he tells mee and trudges upstairs.

bzzzz bzzzzz bzzzzzz bzzzzzzz

Who's phone is that? It's not mine, mine is dead. It must be Davis', I walk over to see who it is a it's Jacelyn. I smile at the sight of her name.

*hey what did you mean he's coming after me and all that you said earlier?

He said what?

I hear footsteps from the stairs.

"Hey, we can-" and then he sees his phone in my hand.

"Why did you tell Jace I was coming after her? Dude! She probably thinks I'm gonna hit her again or do something worse! Why did you do that?" He stands there staring in shock.

"Answer me, now," I demand through gritted teeth.

"Jake, you've always had Jacelyn and you don't deserve her. She needs and deserves so much better, she doesn't need your toxicness, she needs someone like me, not you!"

I try everything not to hit him. I begin to walk out of his house and throw his phone at him.

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