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juyeon could get used to this. he could get used to jaehyun staying by his side and making sure every need was met. he could get used to the neverending affection and care from the other.

"here, the water should be a good temperature," he comes back from the tub. he had set the younger down on the toilet (with the cover down) while adjusting the water and filling it with soap.

once again, he easily picks juyeon up. the older gets into the tub first, making sure to find his balance, and then sits down. the position had the younger on his lap and their legs spread out.

"it's perfect," the latter looks back and smiles.

"i'm glad, you deserve it after all that," jaehyun can't resist but go in for another peck on the forehead.

"how come you only kiss there?" juyeon asks with a look.

"only where?"

"my forehead. you were all over my lips before, so why so shy now?"

yep, he was back to normal, with the sassy attitude of his.

"i don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

someone give this man the "greenest flag" award. the wonders he was doing to juyeon's heart made the male want to slap himself silly.

"i just gave my first time to you, you're the last person i can be uncomfortable with," he snuggles back and into the muscular torso. it acted as a surprisingly comfy cushion.

"one can never be too safe."

hands make their way to his waist and he feels content with the security they provide.

"oh my god," juyeon just had a second thought.

"what, are you ok?" jaehyun looks all over him with concern. "are you hurt?"

"no, just had a flashback," he slaps his forehead with a large sigh. "i owe fucking kevin moon 50 bucks."

"for what?"

"...you don't need to know," he tries to escape the question but a small pinch at his waist makes him yelp.

"i'm assuming it has to do with me if you're only thinking about it now," the older throws a knowing look.

"yeah well, he bet that you would be the one to "dick me down", in lack of better words. never thought that he would get this right."

jaehyun laughs at the funny situation.

"don't worry, i think he's too busy with jacob that he'll have forgotten about it by the time you see him."

it goes silent, but it's not awkward. it's tranquil and juyeon closes his eyes, focusing on the rising chest behind him. he gets even closer, resting his head on a shoulder.

"thank you."

"for what?" jaehyun is taken aback by the sudden words.

"for being the person i spent tonight with. i didn't think i would get anywhere by going to the club but i met you and this has been one of the best nights since college started. no stress, no worries, just fun and i met someone like you."

"you deserve it," the older strokes his head and takes in the lingering smell of the old cologne. "like i said, you were the one person i came out for and i'm glad i did. after all, i knew you were trouble when you walked in...the lecture hall."

"did you just reference a taylor swift lyric?" juyeon tries not to laugh at the flirting attempt.

"hey, the whole song is about her knowing how bad the guy was when he walked but still decided to pursue him."

"oh, so you're saying that i'm the one who's gonna hurt you in the end? wow, lee jaehyun," the younger gives a teasing pout but stops as he's tickled and just laughs while begging for mercy.

"you deserve it," jaehyun continues for a little while until he stops and brings the male close to him with a back hug. "i meant that i knew from the start that you were gonna have some sort of effect on me, but i didn't know how much. but, i guess i know now how much you actually do." 

"...you know what lee jaehyun? let's do it." 

"do what? didn't we just fuck?" 

"not that you dumbass," juyeon gives a slap on the arm. "i mean, let's try this whole relationship thingy. you said you wanted us to get closer." 

"well yeah, only if you want to though. i don't want to push you or any-" 

he gets cut off by a familiar pair of lips. it's a small peck but effective in shutting him up. juyeon smiles as he pulls back, satisfied by the shocked expression. 

"i just trusted you with an important moment of my young adult life. and i want to," he looks down a bit shy. "it might be too soon to say this but i think after a short while, i'll be able to see myself be something serious with you.

"and you're sure with this?" 

"you've been acting like this since before," juyeon puts on a show of being sulky and crosses his arms. "are you having second thoughts?"

"what, no!" jaehyun exclaims and tries to speak again. "i really like you and obviously want to go somewhere with thi- what am i saying? i mean, if you agree with it, then i'll be glad to get there with you." 

"that's more like it," juyeon smiles. 

"so that means i can do this," jaehyun leans forward and instead of another forehead peck, he goes for the lips. 

a kiss to seal the deal, and the start of a new beautiful relationship in the making. 

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