chapter 2- mated

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'Lucy's p.o.v.'
After a few seconds I close my eyes and kiss him back. I got so lost in the kiss that I forgot I was only wearing a towel. I felt Natsu sliding his hand around my waist and pressed me against him. There was literally no space between us what so ever. I softly slide one of my hands up his chest while I entangle the other in his hair pulling him even closer towards me. My body felt hot, I was feeling several different things that not even I could comprehend. All I knew was that I never wanted this to stop I wanted to be closer to him, no I NEEDED to be closer to him, and by the tight grip that he had on my waist I'd say he felt it too. He pushed me gently against the wall and pressed himself tight against me. His tongue played with mine at a nice pace while my grip on his hair tightened earning me a low groan from him.
I felt my towel loosen around my body that's when I broke the kiss before my towel could fall. I couldn't look Natsu in the eye so I just kept looking at the floor completely embarrassed by the events that occurred a minute ago. "Luce.." Natsu whispered out to me But I still didn't look at him. He caressed my cheek with such care "Lucy don't hide yourself from me. Your so beautiful, please don't be ashamed or embarrassed with me." He said tenderly. I glanced up at him, he grinned down at me and gave me sweet and gentle kiss on the lips, then looked me in the eyes "do you trust me?" He asked seriously, I Nodded my head softly still captivated by his eyes "yes" I whisper, he smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen, and his eyes sparkled I couldn't help but smile back. He then kissed me with such emotion, which I returned.
I wrapped my hands around his neck letting my towel hang loosely around my body, he wrapped on arm around my waist so there's barely any space between us. In one swoop he picks me up bridle style making me squeak in surprise, He just chuckled and carried me to my bed laying me down while looking at me with a small smile "don't be scared, I'll always protect you even if it's costs me my life. Just trust me.." I was speechless I couldn't form words so I just nodded my head and reached up to cup both his cheeks with my hands pulling him towards me and kissed him gently. I love the way his lips feel against mine, and the way he holds me like I'm the most valuable and fragile thing he owns. I reach up and tangle my finger in his soft hair pulling his unbelievably closer to me. He settled himself in between my legs pitting most of his weight on his elbows. I felt him let his hand wonder down my body making me shiver in delight. He gives my towel a few tugs before undoing it and I let him. He breaks the kiss and looks at my now exposed body making a deep blush run across face "your so beautiful" he whispered before capturing my lips in a heated battle. That night natsu made nice and tender love to me all throughout the night, there and then I gave myself to natsu completely heart, body, and soul. We were one.

    The next morning I woke up with a groaning natsu next to me. "What's wrong natsu?" I asked while rubbing my head "my head feeling like it was hit by bricks, what happened last night? " he mumbled. I froze then and there, I starred at him with disbelief "You don't remember?" I squeaked "no all I remember is being at the guild asking people where you were and then nothing..." he tried to explain and looked at me. His eyes widen and a permanent blush settled on his face "L-Luce? What are you naked?" He stuttered and then looked down making his blush grow "why am I naked?!" He shouted. I didn't answer him I just lowered head letting my bangs cover my face so he won't see me getting teary eyed. "D-Did we...?" He asked nervously "what do you think.." mumbled trying my best not to let my tears fall but failing miserably. "No no this wasn't suppose to happen! This was a mistake this shouldn't have happened" he was freaking out and didn't realize that every word that left his mouth just then was like a stab to the heart. I thought he felt the same way, I gave him my innocence. I thought we made love to each other but I guess it was just me. I should have known, I'm so stupid. "Lets just forget this happened. We were under the influence of something! " he exclaimed worriedly. I'm done. I can't just sit and hear him go on and on about how it was a mistake and how it's shouldn't have happened. "Natsu just leave." I struggled to form a sentence without stuttering because I was trying to hold in my sobs. "What?, Luce- " "no natsu just leave! I'm sick and tired of hearing you say how much of a mistake it was for you when I gave myself entirely to you because I love you! I remember every single detail of last night! I gave into you because I thought you felt the same way!" I sobbed "L-Lucy" he tried to explain but I didn't want to listen anymore "no Natsu, I'm done. I'll forget everything that happened last night. Just leave me alone. For good" I finished he starred at me shocked "f-for good? No lucy please" he pleaded "LEAVE!" I yelled. I wrapped myself up with the sheets and ran to the bathroom. There I spent most of the day crying my eyes out. I was so stupid for giving myself up completely.

   By the time I got out of the bathroom it was already Sundown. I didn't pay any mind to the things around me and just laid down on my bed and fell into a dreamless sleep.
Its been about a week since I've been to the guild, I stay locked up in my apartment all day crying my heart out. Several guild members have passed by to see if I was okay but I refused to see anyone in the state I'm in. For the next few days I try to focus all of my feeling on paper. I write about everything I'm going through and all my feelings. I actually feel a bit better it's been a week and four days since the incident with natsu and I've come to a decision.
_----------------_----------_--------------_-------------_-- hi guys!! I'm back!
So I'm really excited about this story since like I've said before it's my first nalu fanfic ever!! Also this story is not edited so please excuse any grammar errors there might be.
Anyway please

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