Chapter 5~ new beginnings

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Dedicated to @whatsername_xxxx

(Lucy's p.o.v)
I rode on celest's back thinking about everything that's happened. My mind drifted off to Natsu and the way he held lisanna, I guess he found someone better to be with. I feel so used and dirty, the only person I loved used me and rejected me. I felt tears slowly roll down my cheeks as I hid my face in celest's scale filled neck.

"Lucy?" Questioned celest quietly, I hummed a response still hiding my face on her neck. "Are you alright?, sweetie why are you crying?" She asked. I stayed quiet for a few seconds "my heart hurts.. I feel as if I could cry a river, and I keep thinking why is that I always end up hurt or crying in the end of the day" I whispered to her.
Celest sighed sadly "my child, what you are feeling now is just a part of life's teachings. You shall learn from your mistakes and get stronger and wiser. You mustn't let this one obstacle ruin the rest of the long youthful years that your life will bring just because of one mistake. Lucy, that heartache will dull with time and love, and you will be able to face your obstacle when the time is right. Just let time take its pace." I let her words sink into my brain and started to feel slightly better, the ache was still there but I'll train and learn a such as I can to forget the pain and to be able to go back home to my guild, where my family is.

Suddently Celest lands hard on the ground and announces our arrival, I look around and see so many different and beautiful environments. So many colors and so many different types of dragons. I am so amazed by the sight that I don't realize Celest has changed back into her human form and was now starring at me with amusement. "Come on Lucy, your mother is waiting for you inside the castle" Celest smiles widely at me, my full attention is on Celest at the mention of my mother. I grin just as big. I felt like a child that on Christmas morning excited for her presents but in this case it's my mother and I couldn't be happier.

Celest giggles at my grin and hold onto my hand. Once we're inside the castle I feel my heart pound in my chest and my breath quicken, I was going to see my mom again after so many years of believing she was dead.
I continue to walk down the long hallway where two large golden doors rested. Beautiful carvings of two dragons decorate the doors in elegant swirls, and different color rubies and stones scatter the door around the detailed dragons. Celest looks at me with a small smile before giving me a slight push towards the giant doors. I breath in deeply before my shaking hands grad a hold on the gold handle. And with one last deep breath I push the door open, and was greeted by a shining bright light.
HI guys. It's been a while, huh?
I've been going through a hard time and I wasn't really motivated to write. Not to mention that I had horrible writers block. But a friend helped me get through it with her awesome advice @whatsername_xxxx I dedicate this chapter to you hun, thank you so much for that great advice. It really helped a lot. I'm sorry this chapter was short but I had to stop here because it's 12:05 in the morning and I have school in the morning.. but I'll continue to write for you guys^.^

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