Chapter 4~ discoveries

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I finally get to see my mother again after so long, I'm overwhelmed with happiness, but sadness at the same time.  so much has happened, I just hope that seeing my mother again would help me heal from having to leave fairytail. I hope natsu is happy now, ill always love everyone in fairytail and hopefully ill be able to see them again someday.

 "Lucy, are you alright?" I was brought back from my daydreaming by celest's calming voice. "you've been quiet for some time now, is there something you want to talk about?" she asked softly, I shook my head softly "no thank you celest. I was just thinking that's all. ill be fine." I tried to reassure both of us. "why don't you try to rest for a while? it'll be a while before we get to the gate" I just nodded my head and leaned against her huge scaly back with a sigh.

(Natsu's p.o.v.)

its been almost two weeks since the accident that happened with lucy and she still doesn't let me near her. why did I have to react the way I did? earlier today lucy had appeared at the guild looking to drained and her eyes didn't have their usual happiness. what broke me was her face when she entered the guild and saw me hugging lisanna, I had told lisanna what had happened earlier and she had tried to comfort me but I just feel worse. ive had a bad feeling in my gut since earlier today but I cant really figure out what it is.

"Alright brats listen up I need you all to listen very carefully to what I'm about to say and I need you all to stay calm." Gramps yelled getting everyone's attention. "now I know that what I'm about to say might shock most you but you must understand that whatever the outcome you have to respect one's desitions understood?" everyone was deadly quiet waiting for gramps to say whats going on but he looked like he was having trouble saying it " now as all you might have noticed, Lucy has been very distant for the past few days." I felt my body stiffen at the mention of her name "I'm very sad to say that she has asked for a temporary leave from the guild." everything froze, I felt my body start to heat up quickly "but why master?!" yelled Erza "yeah why would she even consider that?!" yelled gray from across the room. I slowly felt my body start to tremble. "now calm down! Lucy said that shes going through a tough time and that she needed sometime to herself, this doesn't mean that she's never going to come back. Lucy will come back to us." gramps tried to reassure us "when?! if shes passing through a tough time then why didn't she tell us?! we're a guild! we're family! we could have helped her through anything and everything! I saw her today and felt something off but I thought she would tell me when she was ready. " Levy yelled and cried " I'm sorry but I don't know my child. she may not be back for a long time." gramps said sadly at that I yelled and threw a fire punch at the wall beside me, its all my fault. "Nastu" Erza mumbled "its all my fault." I was so frustrated with myself, I could have stopped her, I could have been by her side, why did I have to be such a jerk and a coward?! "Natsu none of this is your fault." Erza tried to reason "yes it is! its all my fault, I should have been there! damn it all!!" I threw more punches at the wall "what do you mean?!" I stayed silent breathing hard "natsu how does her leaving have anything to do with you?!" Erza yelled again, I fisted my hands tighter, "the day that weird pink smoke thing went off in the guild I started to feel weird and had the erge to be with lucy so I went to her house." I took a deep breath "it felt so right to be near her and I couldn't  control myself around her... we mated. but in the morning when I had full control of my body again I had realized what had happened and I freaked out. I started blabbering nonsense about how its shouldn't had happened but I didn't realize that I was hurting her with every stupid word that had left my mouth, she was crying and told me to leave, she told me that she loved me that's why she let it happen but that she wanted me gone. she wanted me to leave her alone for good and kicked me out." hot tears were streaming down my face and then I felt a sting on my right cheek. levy had slapped me but I don't blame her. "this whole time she was hurting alone in her apartment because of you and now's when you tell someone about this?!" levy yelled "that's enough!" gramps yelled "the damage has already been made, theres nothing we can do now but wait for her return. Natsu my boy you do know that dragons mate for life correct? and you are no exception. all dragon slayers mate for life. when Lucy decides to come back home to us you must make amends. but sadly until then we must just hope for her return" "No! I need to go find her! ill bring her home!" I yelled "you will do no such thing! she chose to leave because she needed space!! she needs time to heal. you need to give her time to heal." i stayed looking at gramps with angry tears flowing down my face but eventually nodded. he sighed and went back to his office. the guild was quiet for a while longer before a sigh came from Erza. "master's right.  i just hope she comes back soon." she was sad, everyone in the guild was quiet and sad. i really screwed up this time.


hey guys, sorry ive been taking too much time with this chapter i just don't have any motivation.

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