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Rafe's pov

My phone has been going off all fucking day. Fucksake I'm trying to have a nice relaxing time and this stupid phone is fucking me over. After maybe the millionth time it's buzzed today, I pick it up. Oh fuck it's Bri. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. I'm in deep shit.

She wants to hang out today. There are an abomination of new messages starting to pour in. I decide to call her. She picks up on the first ring, but she doesn't say anything. Maybe she isn't that mad after all.

"Hey baby," I coo.

"Don't you fucking 'hey baby' me you little asshole, what have you been doing?" she snaps a second after the words leave my mouth. Jesus fuck. She's majorly pissed.

"Fuck, I'm really sorry Bri-" I begin.

"I don't want your apology, I want to know what you've been doing that's more important than replying to me all fucking day!" she yells and I hold the phone away from my ear for a moment.

"I'm just with a friend. I'm sorry." I say softly. She's quiet again. Maybe she realises how dramatic she's being.

"Go fuck yourself." she says.

"You know you love me." I grumble a split second before she hangs up.

Bri's pov

"You know you love me" he growls and I hang the fuck up. What a cunt. I mean, who says that? I wipe away my angry tears, which I didn't realise had even fallen. I storm into the kitchen and search for snacks. I'm trying to grab a bag of chips but it's under a whole bunch of stuff and it's on a shelf that's high up.

"This is so fucking stupid!" I cry, slamming the pantry door as I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong?" JJ says, his voice soft and gentle.

"I can't reach the chips." I mumble, wiping my eyes. JJ smiles, grabbing the chips and handing them to me.

"Now what's actually going on?" he asks. I look away from him, ashamed. "Is it something to do with... him?" he asks. JJ doesn't even need to specify who 'he' is. I nod.

"He hasn't replied to me all day because he's been with a friend." I say, growing angry again.

JJ's pov

"He hasn't replied to me all day because he's been with a friend." she says angrily. My jaw clenches. He what now? I want to tell her to leave him. I want her to hate him. I want to-

This isn't about me. I need to calm down. I need to tell her that it's going to be ok, that I'm sorry and to make sure she's ok.

"That's really shitty of him Bri, I'm sorry. Are you ok?" I say as calmly as I can. Fuck yes, I did so well. All I want to do right now is yell at him. He has this perfect girl who I believe would give up everything for him, who would do anything he asked her to and he's treating her like she's not the best thing that's ever happened to him. But yelling at him would be selfish of me. Telling her to break up with him would be selfish of me. Just because I think I could treat her better doesn't mean I need to say that.

"Yeah, I'm just pissed. I mean who ends a phone call saying 'you know you love me'? He could've said, 'sorry' or even 'I love you'. But he decided to be a dick." she says and I can tell how upset she is. She's not making this any easier for me. I take a deep breath. Calm down JJ.

"As much as I want to tell you to break up with him, I know how much you like him so I'm just gonna make sure I make good decisions and choose my words carefully." I say and she giggles. I smile at that sound.

Bri's pov

The door bursts open as JJ wraps his arms tightly around me. I hear someone scoff. It's Rafe. I can tell. I could tell by the way he opened the door. I slip out of JJ's embrace and face Rafe, folding my arms.

"What do you want?" I ask calmly. He grabs my wrist and pulls me outside. 

"Are you kidding me?" he asks, sounding like a lunatic.

"What? I can't hug someone but you can ignore me to hang out with a friend?" I snap. He scoffs again, rolling his eyes.

"I said I was sorry." he grunts.

"But you don't mean it." I whisper. His eyes snap to me. I think that maybe, just maybe he'll give me a big hug and tell me that he was so sorry for getting angry over all this. That he was in the wrong. But he doesn't. He glares at me and I swear I see steam coming from his ears. And so instead of comforting me and apologising profusely, he raises a hand. I cower away, but before his hand comes into contact with me, someone catches it. JJ. My knight in shining armour. He pushes Rafe away from me, and says something to him. I don't hear it though.

JJ's pov

"If you dare lay a finger on her like this, I'll make sure you never get close enough to do it again. Do you understand?" I say, my voice low and tone threatening. He scoffs and walks away. Rafe motherfucking Cameron, king of scoffing. I turn to Bri and instead of her crying or angry -what I was expecting, she's trembling. I pull her to me and apologise over and over again. This poor girl is shaking like a leaf in my arms.

"Are you ok?" I finally ask. It's like she's stuck in a trance. Frozen still -other than the shaking. She was terrified. My poor girl.

"I- he-" she stutters, "Was he about t- to hit me?" she asks, her voice extremely shaky. I hold her tighter.

"It's ok." I whisper. I don't want her to hate him. Even though he was a complete dick and almost fucking hit her, I don't want her to hate him. What the fuck is wrong with me? My words break her out of her trance and she starts crying. I gently rub her back.

"Please don't tell anyone." she sobs. Fuck it. I want her to hate him.

"Bri I-"

"Please, JJ." she begs, cutting me off. I can't say no. I shouldn't but I swear I'm physically incapable of saying no to her.

"Ok," I breathe out, "But if he gets even close to doing it again I can't promise that I won't tell your brother." I tell her. She nods.

"Thank you." she whispers. He doesn't deserve her.

Fuck I'm sorry. I have had NO motivation to write and I'm gonna blame that on the fact that I have no idea what to write to fill space but now I do. Yay! Anyways, that's not a great excuse cause I haven't updated since LAST YEAR and I'm in the middle of summer holidays. Anyways, I promise to try get another chapter out withing the next few days because that was seriously bad of me, especially since the last chapter was a short one. But as always, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope you have an amazing day/night. Happy new year! Mwah

Meant to Be - Brianna Routledge x JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now