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John B's pov

Sarah and I walk through the door to find JJ sitting on the couch. Not a big surprise.

"What's up dude?" I say as we dap up. He chuckles, nervously.

"What happened?" I ask immediately, "Is she ok?"

"She's fine," he says quickly, soothing me, "She and Rafe got in a fight and she's a bit upset."

"What happened?" I repeat.

"I don't know. She didn't tell me, so it must've been pretty bad," he says calmly as he shrugs. I storm to Bri's room. She's sitting on her bed, scrolling on her phone. She looks fine.

"Doesn't anyone know how to knock?" she grumbles. There it is.

"Are you ok?" I ask softly.

"I'm fine, it doesn't matter." she huffs.

"Yes, it does. Bri, you're my little sister. I care about you and I wanna know what happened." I say, my voice still gentle. God, she's frustrating.

"I'm not a baby!" she snaps. Now I get it. Now I'm angry. I scoff as I roll my eyes.

"My god Bri! Do you even see what you're turning into?" I ask, raising my voice. She stays quiet.

"You crave his attention! You want him to like you and think you're cool but you're just a little girl." I say harshly, causing her eyes to fill with tears.

JJ's pov

I hear yelling from Bri's room. Sarah went to her and John B's room. Before I can stop myself I'm on my feet and walking to Bri's room. John B's yelling at her and she's crouched in a corner, about to cry. She looks at me, her big brown eyes sad once again, much different to the anger that was there earlier. John B looks between us before fixating on her again.

"You're such an attention seeker! You don't like that I'm calling you out on it so now you're gonna cry and get JJ to go off on me!" he yells, gesturing to me in the doorway.

"John B," I warn. The tears start falling down her cheeks. It breaks my heart.

"There you go!" he announces sarcastically.

"Outside. Now," I say to John B, my tone harsh. He scoffs.

"I mean it. Wait for me out back, I'll be right there." I say in that same tone. He looks like he's about to say something but he looks at me, shakes his head and leaves. I let out a breath as I run a hand through my hair.

"I'm sorry," Bri mumbles, "I'm gonna get you in trouble."

"No you won't," I say gently, "Come here." I open my arms for her. She nestles her head in my chest, her arms around my waist. Oh God. Control yourself Maybank. I brush her hair with my hands softly.

"I'm sick of guys. Rafe wants me to hate John B and John B wants me to hate Rafe. It's getting ridiculous and I can't take it anymore. I just wanna do what I want and not have people telling me I can't love or respect someone." she says, her voice small. She sniffles. I gently kiss her head.

"I would say I get it but I guess it's easier to be a guy, huh?" I say softly. "Can I go yell at your brother now?" I ask, slightly pulling away. She giggles and I smile.

"Don't be too loud." she says jokingly but I know she means it. I rub her arms before darting outside where I find John B, pacing as he waits for me.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" I ask, like a mother nit-picking her child's behaviour. John B scoffs.

"I'm not wrong, she just wants him to think she's cool!" he yells.

"Is it really such a problem if she loves him?" I screech. Yes, yes it is.

"She doesn't love him. She's just rebelling. If she loved him, she wouldn't come home crying almost every single time they hang out!" he shouts impatiently.

"It's not your choice who she loves!" I yell at the top of my lungs, "She's your sister not your fucking daughter or whatever you think she is! God, John B, I love you man but you need to understand that you don't own her."
Silence. I hear literally nothing after that other than my heavy breathing. My chest heaves from my outburst, my heart hammering in my chest.

"Don't tell me how to look after my sister. She isn't your sister, she's mine and I'm the one responsible for her. You're not her parent or legal guardian so don't you dare tell me how to take care of her." John B says in a cool tone before calmly walking away, as if this whole conversation never happened.

I decide it's best not to follow him. I shouldn't go inside. I should just leave. So I do.

Bri's pov

I hear a lot of yelling. I feel terrible. I know it's my fault, but I also don't see what the big deal is.


Why did they go quiet? What's happening? I hear footsteps headed towards my room, I quickly sit on my bed.

"I don't want you seeing Rafe anymore." John B says in a calm tone.

"You can't tell me what to do." I snap.

"Number one, yes I can and number two don't talk to me like that," he says, his tone remaining calm. He sits on my bed with me. "Listen Bri, I know it's hard and... different without Dad but now that he's gone, I'm responsible for you. I know it's weird but this is how it's gonna be. And for this to work I need you to help me a little and uh.. be patient with me cause this is new to me too. Oh, and one more thing. I love you Bri and if you ever need to talk about something, I'm here for you."

I hug him tightly. This conversation was definitely needed. He's right, it's weird without Dad and he's right, I have been extra difficult to him.

"You're right," I say, letting him go, "I'm sorry for being so difficult lately. I love you too."

He smiles at me and rubs my shoulder before getting up and heading out.

"John B," I call out causing him to pause, "you're gonna be a great dad one day." he chuckles as he walks away.

Age 13

"I hate you!" I scream, slamming John B's bedroom door. God, he's so annoying.

"You don't mean that," Dad says from behind me.

"Yes, I do. He's so mean!" I whine.

"Listen sweetie, he's always gonna be there for you. He'll always look after you. He'll always care about you and he'll love you more than any boy ever could." Dad says. He nods his head towards the door. I sigh before opening it.

"I'm sorry John B. I didn't mean it. I just miss Joey. He said he'd always love me but apparently, he said that to two other girls on the same day." I say sadly. John B hugs me. Ew.

"It's ok. Don't worry about Joey, I never liked him anyway. He's a dickhead." John B consoles me. I giggle.

"Yeah, he is a dickhead." I giggle.

"Hey, watch your language!" John B teases and we both laugh.

Well isn't that sweet. Erm sorry for not uploading in like two months I could be wrong it's probably like 7 but anyways. I have had no idea how to fill the next few chapters but I'm starting to get a few ideas (my most recent one came to me when I was in religion lol) that's a bit preppy of me. I hope this chapter isn't absolutely shithole because according to whatever bitch marked my English assessment I'm not that good at writing stories (I got a 69 I'm just being dramatic but wtv) anwyas as always hope you enjoyed the chapter sorry for not uploading very commonly but yeah have a great day/night ily!

Meant to Be - Brianna Routledge x JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now