Chapter two -} 𝑀𝒶𝓇𝓎𝑜𝓈𝑒𝓅: 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒰𝓅𝒹𝒶𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝐸𝓃𝑔𝓁𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝒻𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎 {- 1#

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𝔂𝓮𝓪𝓻 2023, 𝓓𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻 31 (12/31) 7𝓟𝓜 | 19:30

<Philippines POV>

America is on the phone after going out somewhere, apparently to get Ama. 'Di ko gets, how is this "normal" to them?? I made Adobo, I wasted like 2 hours for everyone today. And there talking about the Russians. This is going to be a long day isn't it?

"Maryosep, could yall just get over here, I made ADOBO." I shouted behind Cana. As they leave the call, we head to the dinner table as the adobo steam floods the table. As I look at everyone I see Joe is missing, wait- oh- shit. Is he in a pub? I ask, everyone took a moment to think as some look down and others look at the others.
(I headcannon that phill uses a lot of British words
 cuz UK colonized(manila) them first.)

"He must be coming back by now..." Auzie says, "From where??" I interrupt, we can't pray till everyone's here! ... everyone... "Sir. Brittan!" I shout out speaking my mind "Where is he?? We only have 5 hours left till its February!"

"Dad? That old man? I think he's with someone else... he has this pattern of staying with us for new year then disappearing the next year..." Zeal(and) said, almost sad enough to bring someone in tears. "But he's not a bad father, I just... We just don't know where the hell would he go to... he's pretty much and outsider to every group -political or by history- he's in... So it be weird or strange for him to miss a big event with us." Zeal cleared there through before continuing.

"I'm not saying he's a loner (even if he is kind of one), I'm just saying i wouldnt see him missing something like this with us... yet where here." "Oh, I'm sorry to hear tha-" Almost one que, America burst in a bit wet... like he was in a mist of water. 

"AME! let's pray, Phill wasted like 2 hours for this. We should eat!" Auzie says with their back turned on us to face Joe. "Adobo?? Yea, let's GO!" He says flapping his wings to make sure he doesn't break the door frame of the living room to the dining room.

"You guys are so strange, I wonder how I even fell in love with you half the time..." I sigh to myself even though it was for Mahal. "Ouch, that hurt." America said dramatically, putting the back of his hand to his forehead as he leans away from the table as he sits. As he puts his hand on his chest as if I hit him on the chest, he fakes cry's and whines.

"Dramatic ass." Zeal says Auzie chuckling at the side. Suddenly America goes back to normal as we start our prayer. "Thank you, amen." We all say in sync. "Time to eat!" Auzie says whipping their fork to grab some chicken.


After we had the meal we head over to the living room, I don't know why everyone wasn't trying to bother trying to get any fireworks nor go out. Suddenly, they were searching for something: looking up and down, to the most reasonable place to hide something, to full on trashing the house- as I watch from the door frame holding my royal wondering "what the actual fuck is going on this year!?". " Hey, what's everyone doing Cana?" I ask, "We're looking for a key, don't ask but if you find it: tell us." "O- ok...!(?)"

Even if I didn't get anything I had a feeling this was important: it's 9pm(21) and we only have 4 hour's left. Am I panicking? I was somewhat for the entire day, haven't I?

As we all 5 of us search for the key: America finds it! "YO! I found it!" "Talaga?" I ask. Apparently he found it inside one of the books in the living room... "What's the key for Mahal?" I ask, as we all inspect it as Joe turns the key for full 160° The key.

The key's head is full of gold bars twisting around to make a clover shape as the middle of it is a blue gem. It's like a Diamon, but bluer than usual. It's small, like a size of a pinky. As the siblings chat I relished there... trying to look at Sir.Britans, diary??? whY??

"What are you waiting for Phill? lets GO!" Auzie said gesturing to go up the stairs as the others get Infront of him. "Why do we even need to even do that??" "bc, dad ALWAYS has secrets from us, from long... long, long time ago...". Auzie I'm not sure that's a good idea but ok?


We enter the Great Brittan's room as Zeal goes to the desk, me and Cana look close to the bed as Auzie and Joe look anywhere else in the room for the "diary" of a 6000 year old country...

As we found the book, "it's as decorative as the key" I think to myself. "We should read this now, dad has to be hiding something with us, there's no way he's always missing every NewYear!" Zeal says opening the book carefully- until Joe took it out of his hand: as his hands where skippering through the pages for anything related to NewYear: his left leg was making sure Zeal couldn't attack him.

"Hey, look back" Cana points out a page from Mahal's right side. "Holy shit this year has a lot of words, most of it is... unreadable, besides the date..." Joe says with his face pale as we all (except NZ) pull closer to him.

"It's, Russian..." I say, "Want me to read this out loud for you guys?"

[CLIFFHANGER CUZ YES- anyways: feel free to comment a question for anything else cuz im sleepy and I wanted to publish chapter 4 before Christmas
Number of words: 968
Estimated time before next chapter: Before chris-mas]

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