8️⃣. Captured.

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    When darkness overlaps light, light is needed to overlap the darkness.

The girls struggled but it was of no use as the soldiers dragged them via a secret route. By the time people realize what has happened, the house is ablaze.

The road was around a hill and the men were moving fast. Najwa was already crying her heart out as she still can't believe what was happening. Yasmine stopped struggling and just followed them as her eyes looked around calculating what to do.

These monsters were probably sent by someone to frame her father but why did they kill him and their mother and kidnapped them? She dreaded what was happening but she couldn't let her sister face this.

She peered downwards and gritted her teeth.
"Ah!" Yasmine shouted and pulled her hand out from the soldier's grip. Before they reacted, she pulled out his sword and struck him down. The soldiers were on alert but Yasmine was running mad already, so she stilled her heart and did something she had never done since she started training. Fighting a group!

She knew she was outnumbered, so she fought her way to Najwa. Yasmine put all her heart into this, ignoring whether she was spilling blood or not. She grabbed her sister's arm and pushed her down the hill.

"Run. Najwa. Run!" she shouted when a sword hilt hit the back of her head. Blood sipped out of her lips and she was pushed down. Held again by the soldiers.

"Go after her!" the commander ordered angrily. No one told him that the girl could fight and they never expected this to happen.

"Najwa don't stop!" Yasmine cried out. The commander was frustrated and grabbed her chin. "You will regret doing that woman," he spat and ordered the rest to keep moving while they kept searching. Tears streamed down her eyes merging with her blood before she lost consciousness.

Yasmine's eyes fluttered open and she was almost blinded by the bright light. Her back was laid on something soft and above her were bright lanterns.

The loud sounds, the swords, the gruesome sights, and the blood. Her eyes widened and she sat up. Her hair covered her face and as the painful memories came back, she started crying again. She covered her face as she bawled her eyes out.

Watching their parents get killed was a nightmare that no one would wish to relive. Her parents were gone and Najwa…

"Najwa," she panted and stood up from the bed. The room she was in was painted pink and decorated with paintings. Lanterns were hung on the wall and ceiling, a mirror facing the bed and a window by the side. A strong fragrance filled the room but she wasn't in for that now.

The door was suddenly opened and she whipped her head there. A middle-aged woman walked in flanked by two others but their dress scared her. The woman wore a black sparkling skirt and matching vest that exposed her chest and shoulders. Her waist was open too with a pin in her navel. Her face had dark makeup on and her black lips were in a smirk. She rubbed her curly hair and walked further into the room.

Yasmine took two fearful steps back. "Who are you? Where is my sister?" she stuttered. These women were dressed so indecently and the way the woman was watching her was eerie.

"Aww. So feisty as they told me," the woman hummed and glanced at the servants behind her.

"Hold her down for me," she ordered in a low voice. The women moved fast and Yasmine found herself forced to sit on the bed. She tried struggling but she felt weak suddenly like she was being drugged. The fear in her heart just increased.

"Now, now. There is no use struggling. I gave you a little something when you were unconscious, " the black-dressed woman said and came before her. She raised Yasmine's chin and swiped her hair from her face. Yasmine was glaring at her but even with her reddened eyes, her orbs were still beautiful.

The woman's smile widened as she stroked Yasmine's face. "Beautiful, " she whispered.

"Stop touching me," Yasmine said irritated. The woman laughed and gazed down at her body.

"You better calm down there because once you are in the house, there is no escape. Mesa will take care of you," she smiled.

"What is this place? Where is my sister? You killed my parents and kidnapped me? Do you have any fear of Allah?!" Yasmine yelled painfully.

Mesa was unfazed and folded her arms. "Too many questions girl but I will satisfy your curiosity," she shrugged. "You see, your father angered someone he shouldn't have and got punished and you my dear are a beautiful woman. We can't let that go to waste,"

Yasmine stilled with silent tears flowing down her cheeks. She had read about brothels and seeing this woman's dressing and the room's architecture, she became suspicious but hearing it made her shudder.

"I won't do what you want. I will not sin just to please you," she cried out.

Mesa laughed and bent to her level. "I am afraid that you have no choice girl. You are here and will do it or why would we go through all the trouble," she said and her eyes darkened. "You will get ready and learn fast before the event we will be holding if not, your sister will be in for it. Poor girl. She is so young,"

"No," Yasmine cried helplessly. She wanted Najwa to escape but it seemed like she was being caught too.

Mesa stood straight and made the servants release Yasmine but she couldn't do anything.
"Prepare a bath for her and start teaching her the dance steps. I don't want any mistakes," Mesa added and gave her one more look before leaving.

Yasmine lowered her head and sobbed silently. What kind of fate is this Ya Allah? I don't want to do this.


Jaasir led his soldiers into the city and headed directly for the training grounds. At least, that's what the reports said. But then, they saw movements of spies investigating shops at night. Zahir was perplexed and sent out men to follow them but they were stopped by the shadow guards, who arrested them saying that the Amir gave an order to arrest anyone with unusual movements. The soldiers were still sneaky and the silent clash continued but beneath that, no one noticed the main plan.

Jaasir had the suspected places where bars were held located and started following them in secret with Faiz but when they arrived twice, the place was deserted. It was only after finding a lead did they kept on with the plan.

Jaasir had to trace a man who was constantly going out at night and followed a route that they almost lost him. Jaasir didn't want their track to be seen, so they retreated with Faiz and he started planning the big raid. He was taking a risk but all their leads showed the location.

Outside they acted like nothing happened as Marwan kept creating a distraction with his shadow guards while the supposed new soldiers were training in the barracks. They were waiting for the perfect opportunity.

Will they find out? And did Najwa escape or is she captured too?

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