12. Promise.

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                 I only will be relieved when basking in your light, habibty.

Arwa smiled at her brother and he walked toward the women standing a few steps away from them.
"Sabahul Khair," he tipped his head in greeting.

"Sabahul Noor Akhi," Arwa returned. Jaasir looked at Yasmine and as their eyes met, she lowered her head and moved behind Arwa.

The Amira was surprised as Yasmine grabbed her wrist fearfully.
"What's wrong Yasmine?" she asked concerned.

"Your name is Yasmine?" Jaasir was visibly surprised. All he got was a glare before she whipped her head away. He looked inquisitively at his sister and she shook her head with a sad countenance.
"Let's go inside first," she uttered and he nodded taking the lead.

Yasmine stared at the tall figure ahead with a crease on her brows. It wasn't her intention to shrink in fear but after that incident with that man, she couldn't help but be scared of a man.

They entered the small hall that was painted in sunset yellow and golden, something Yasmine realized from the corridor and the Amira's room.

The curtains were already opened and the table was arranged. Arwa led Yasmine to sit behind the table while Jaasir sat opposite them.

Rabia poured them tea before she was excused.
"Have it, Yasmine," Arwa offered raising the cup. Jasmine collected it and muttered a thank you. Arwa gave her brother another cup before sipping hers.

"What's happening Ya Akhi?" She asked him carefully.

Jaasir lowered his cup and exhaled. He glanced at Yamsine who was clearly uncomfortable before turning to his sister.
"You remember the case concerning the likelihood of a brothel in the capital?" Arwa nodded and Yasmine went alert.

Jaasir continued, "Marwan and I have been investigating over the week and finally got a lead. Yesterday, we raided the brothel but turns out they had many exits that many escaped. We caught eight clients and rescued 22 women."

"22?" Arwa was frightened.

He nodded. "They are kept with the other girls I rescued on the way from Sehla. I don't know if that is their only location and we have sent more soldiers to search the capital. The criminals are being interrogated currently and as for the girls…" he creased his brows at the moment. "I was alerted this morning after the doctor checked on them and we discovered that they are poisoned,"

Yasmine gasped as her eyes widened. The siblings turned to her and Arwa quickly grasped her palm.

"Did you take anything?" Jaasir asked carefully.

Yasmine was apprehensive of him and glanced at Arwa who gave her an encouraging nod.
"I remembered Mesa feeding me a fluid every day and it made me feel weak,"

"Who's Mesa?" Jaasir inquired and was pleased that they were getting a lead. The other girls were very fearful and hardly spoke but it was Yasmine saying something important.

"Mesa is the madam there. Was she caught?" Yasmine asked expectantly. If there was another person she wished to be punished, then it was Mesa.

Jaasir shook his head and he fell in a ponder. "We didn't spot someone like that. She must have escaped," he sighed and rubbed his temple. Such an important factor would make the investigation faster.

He raised his head and saw her clenching her first worryingly.
"You don't have to worry about the poison. The doctors said that it is only dangerous when taken for long and I know you haven't been there for long right?" he said soothingly.

Yasmine pursed her lips and turned her head to avoid new tears from rolling out. It was four days but they were the most torturous days of her life.

"What about the other girls?" Arwa asked.

Jaasir had a bitter expression as he answered, "Five of them have taken the poison for a long and I'm afraid that we can't save their lives,"

Arwa gasped and palmed her lips as sorrow filled her whole being.
"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun," she muttered under her breath. Why are people so heartless?

Jaasir breathed and continued, "With good medication, the others will recover. We will focus on their health first before anything else,"

"Take me to them then. Why bring me here?" Yasmine blurted out in exasperation.

Jaasir was left lost for words now. He can't tell her that the main reason is because he wants to keep her with him and not let her get involved in the scandal.
"You live in the capital, right? How did you end up there?" he returned with a question instead.

Yasmine swallowed and looked down. Maybe this is the way to get her parents justice.
"My baba works in the treasury and on Jummah, he visited our home but in the middle of the night…some soldiers attacked our house claiming that there were stolen boxes of gold in the house. But Baba had no such thing and they didn't come with good intentions as they attacked him. They didn't even search and I confirmed it when the leader told my Baba that he shouldn't have provoked someone. Then…" she shivered as the memories came back again. Arwa moved closer to her and rubbed her shoulder to provide her support.

Yasmine gritted her teeth and she let out. "They murdered my parents and kidnapped me and my sister but on the way, I helped my younger sister escape but I couldn't and they took me to the house. Mesa forced me to learn dancing and made me wear those haram clothes and yesterday…." she panted and closed her face with her palm.

Jaasir's palms that were on the table were clenched tightly as his jaws tightened. The more he learned how dark the royal officials could be, the more he hated this world. What investigation? This was clearly framed and he remembered the message that was sent days ago. He was so busy with the search that he didn't care to check it out.

Arwa side-hugged Yasmine with her lips wobbling. "Nothing happened right?" she asked fearfully and immediately regretted it when Yasmine raised her head and shifted away from her.

Yasmine glared at Jaasir who was also looking at her expectantly.
"What do you want to know huh? If I was being sullied?" she seethed. "Of course, he tried to touch me but I fought back. I fought back but if…if the soldiers hadn't arrived, I don't know what would have happened,"

Jaasir closed his eyes as he let out a breath of relief. If something had happened to her, he didn't know if he could keep his clarity anymore.

Arwa was also relieved as she glanced at her brother. He opened his eyes and smiled tightly at Yasmine who just turned her head again.

"I will investigate that matter thoroughly and we will get to the bottom of this. The culprit is highly connected to the brothel too. So, don't worry. Justice will be out In Sha Allah," he promised.

Yasmine turned back to him and spoke, "Something like this has been happening for a long in the palace but you hardly know. Just take me back to the others because I want  to know what is happening,"

"You…" Jassir began placing his finger on the table. "Stay here with Arwa," he said seriously. She was stubborn, so he decided to be strict too. "If you go there and the culprit finds out who you are, it will be more complicated and they will target you. For now, they don't know that you are here, so it is safer,"

Yasmine fluttered her eyelashes but didn't say anything.

Jaasir exhaled and turned to his sister.
"Watch over her closely for now. I will have someone send the antidote when it is ready instantly. I will be busy but will try to come over again before nightfall. And remember, I don't want anyone to know that Yasmine is in the palace," If this was let out, he doubted if they would support his plan. 

Arwa nodded and stood up. He stared at Yasmine and said in a low voice. "Fret not Yasmine, I promise that I will try my best to set things right." she didn't look at his which made him sigh before he walked out. He can't be gone for long, so he had to return.

Yasmine heard the door close and broke into the tears that she had been holding. Arwa quickly hugged her as two streaks of tears flowed down her cheeks too.

Everything will be settled right? But is it that easy?

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