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000 ⎯⎯⎯ the boy who stretches.

   What's the point?

   At this rate I'll never be able to beat him.

   I kick the dust on the deck, watching it rise and the wind carry it away. I tuck my hair away, behind my ears, as I make my way into my father's cabin, chests stored there.

   I pop open my favorite of the group. It's green with gold trimming and a beautiful design. Inside are a handful of fruits, my dad told me they were devil fruits.

   I riffle through them, finding a bright pink one, shaped like a cube. I remember everything I know about the fruits. According to dad they give you powers, but they have consequences.

   The consequences can't be that bad can they?

   I take a bite of the fruit.


   I swallow it down and force myself to continue eating. Five minutes later the entire fruit is gone. I sit and wait for something to feel different.

   Maybe dad was lying, maybe these are just regular fruits.

   I sigh, leaving the cabin to the deck to find my dad there, looking out over the sea. He turns to me, one of his devilish grins playing at his lips, "ready for round two?"

   I frown, "dad? Those fruits in your room-"

   I watch as his face falls, his eyes narrowing at me, "Sora you didn't."


   He charges towards me and my heart sinks as he reaches out his hand to grab me. I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for his touch.

   It never comes.

   "Sora you-"

   I open my eyes to now find myself a few feet away. My eyes widen as I hold my hand out in front of me, the particles of my skin glitching into different colors, appearing and reappearing, dislocating my wrist from my arm.

   "Wh-What's happening?!"

   I blink and find myself on the plank of the ship, the wood creaking beneath me. Tears flood my eyes as my heart races and I glitch further towards the sea. "Daddy!"

   Just as the plank disappears from beneath my feet I feel someone grab my hand. I look up at my dad as he holds me, "take a deep breath and calm down."

   I nod, sucking back my tears as I try and take deep breaths. In and out, in and out. My dad takes this opportunity to pull me back to the ship, sitting me on the ground. He sits beside me, setting a hand on my head.

   "Sora, I told you-"

   "I know," a tear rolls down my cheek.

   "I'm guessing you ate kuhi kuhi fruit."

   "What's that mean?"

   Dad smiles, "well it means you actually might be able to best me one day."

* * *


   I'm awoken from my nap by a series of screams, then harshly cut off by something. I peer around the crate I'm behind, spotting two boys. One looks like a member of the crew and the other, he must be an intruder.

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