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020 ⎯⎯⎯ back from the dead.

   "Are you okay?"

   Zef grunts, brushing himself off, "you took more than I did."

   I chuckle, "that was nothing."

   Arlong, his fishmen, and Luffy are all outside now, the fight continuing. Last I saw Luffy was losing but he's pretty resilient, not to mention literally made of rubber.

   I help Zef up as I stand, "I should probably go-"

   "Arlong wait!"

   I swear I hear Nami's voice.

   I rush to the door, Sanji grabbing me, "wait!"

   I pull my arm free, watching outside as Nami walks away, Arlong dropping Luffy into the sea before turning to follow her.

   "Luffy!" I run down the dock, peering into the water.

   Shit, shit, shit!

   I shake my head clear of thoughts, bracing myself to jump in when Sanji flies past me, his button up fluttering to the ground.

   The two resurface after a moment and suddenly Usopp is beside me, leaning over Luffy. I push him back slightly, pushing Luffy's hair from his face and attempting to help him cough up water.

   The curse of the devil fruit.

   "Where's Nami?"

   I grit my teeth, "why-"

   "Where is she?"

   "She's gone," Usopp answers, "she's a member of Arlong's crew."

* * *


   My eyes widen at the sound.

   I perk up slightly as I hear Usopp's footsteps run down the hall, instant screaming ensuing. I go to stand, finding myself hesitating.

   "Why do you even care?"

   I sit back down, lacing my hands in my lap. I don't know why I care so much. I should go in there and yell at him for all the grief he caused me. Scream that I was right, like always, in his face.

   God that dude is an asshole.

   "He's alive!"

   I hear Usopp and Luffy start to yell and chant and scream. I chuckle, rolling my eyes. I stand and walk down the hall, peeking into my room.

   "Sora! Zoro's awake!"

   I nod, "I heard."

   I slowly make my way to his bedside, smiling down at him. He peers up at me for a second before allowing the tiniest smile to grace his face.

   "I'm sorry Sora."

   I nod, "knew you would be."

   "And tell your old man I'm expecting a rematch."

   I laugh, "you'll have to beat me first."

   "So what's the plan," Usopp looks around eagerly, "plot a course for the Grand Line?"


   "But I thought we were going after the one piece?"

   "We are," Luffy grins, "but we can't do it without our whole crew. First...we're going after Nami."

* * *

   "Heard you guys need a cook?"

   I glance to my right, noticing Sanji there.

   I need to stop letting my guard down.

   Luffy looks over the ship's railing, his face alight, "yes! Yes we do!"

   Sanji grins and bumps shoulders with me.

   I roll my eyes, biting back a grin of my own as I start onto the ship, the blonde chef following behind me.

   Zoro glares at the two of us, "why're we bringing the waiter?"

   "Cause we can't boil water!" Usopp chimes.

   "You can't boil water," I correct.

   "Dropping the sail!"

   "Casting off!"

   Before I know it we're drifting out to sea, Sanji looking over the railing towards Zef. I sigh at the two, walking away towards Zoro.

   Dad's man.

   I'll never figure them out. 

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗻.Where stories live. Discover now