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010 ⎯⎯⎯ the black cat pirates.

"You're kidding me," I smile.

"What?" Zoro has a straight face, like always.

"Looking for a drink?"

"Yes actually."

I roll my eyes, lacing my fingers behind my back as I follow him into another set of hallways. He grumbles to himself and I walk beside him, or try to. He walks fast.

"What about you?"


"Why're you out here?"

"Oh," I glance around the decorative hallway, "I just have an uneasy feeling. Couldn't sleep. Wanted to come see if I could find Usopp, ask him about the butler."

"You have a weird feeling about him too?"

"Yeah, he just-"

"Stop," Zoro grabs my wrist, stopping me as he glances around warily.

I look up at him, "what is it?"

"I thought-"

I feel something touch me and jump, whipping around to find Luffy standing there. I let out a breath of relief, "oh my god. You scared me."

Goosebumps line my arms.

It's been a long time since someone has been able to sneak up on me like that. I must've let my guard down.

I glance at Zoro, maybe I really am starting to trust them.

I snap out of my thoughts, realizing the boys are walking away from me. I start after them, though I have absolutely no clue where we're going.

After a few twists and turns we make it to the massive kitchen.

"Couldn't sleep either huh?"

I peer over Luffy's shoulder, finding Usopp inside with a slingshot, lounging around. He chuckles, "not after that dinner."

Luffy jumps down to the lower level where Usopp is sitting and begins stuffing treats into his pockets. I tune out the two's conversation, following Zoro as he looks through cabinets.

"You know," I tap his shoulder, "they probably have a whole other room for their drinks."

He sighs, "you're right."

I shrug, starting down the steps and taking one of the empty seats at the table. They're talking about our adventures it seems.

"Man, I wish I could do that!" Usopp grins, his face falling soon after, "but I can't leave. Kaya needs me."

"She your girlfriend or something?" Zoro takes the seat next to me.

"She's more like, my best friend," he explains, "her parents died a few years ago, she took it pretty hard and then she got sick on top of that. I just wanna be there for her, you know?"

Usopp stands, grinning, "I mean she's gorgeous, and she's super smart. But you don't think she like, like likes me, do you?"

He's looking at me.

I glance around, I guess I am the only girl here.

I shrug, "I'm not the best person to-"

"But if you were Kaya would you like me?"

I glare at him, "what-"

"I already like you!" Luffy butts in.

"That's not what I-" He shakes his head, "nevermind."

He snaps another pebble from his slingshot into a pan.

"You're a great shot," Luffy compliments.

"Got it from my dad," he shrugs, "he's a pretty notorious pirate. I don't really remember him that well cause he left for a life at sea when I was just a baby, but he'll be back one day."

I frown.

Usopp kind of reminds me of myself. I stopped holding onto that false hope a long time ago.

He sighs, "Yasopp the great."

Of course.

"Yasopp?" Me and Luffy ask in unison.

"Yeah you heard of him?"

"Heard of him," Luffy grins, jumping up, "I know him! He's a part of Shanks' crew!"

I roll my eyes, "you guys being related makes so much sense."

Usopp's eyes widen, "you guys know my dad?!"

"Yeah! Yeah! He's the best! Always made time for some pirate wisdom."

"You guys like, hungout?"


"That's... cool."

"If you guys are gonna talk about feelings I'm really gonna need a drink," Zoro chimes in.

"Uh, there's a wine cellar in the basement-"

I grin, "told you."

The two start towards the door and I go to follow, looking over my shoulder at Luffy. "You coming?"

He eyes a pot on the stove, "nope!"

* * *

Zoro smiles, "now we're talking."

I roll my eyes, this man's an addict.

I follow him into the room, breaking from his side to explore the other half of the room. I stop at a wine barrel, glancing at its label.

I go to take another step, stopping myself.

I look down, Merry laying at my feet.



"It's Merry..."

Usopp looks over my shoulder, his eyes widening as he lets out a gasp, stumbling backwards. He trips, falling to the floor, "he's- he's dead!"

I nod, kneeling down.

There's five blade wounds in the center of his chest.

A pirate with blades for fingers...

"I've seen this before," Zoro's next to me, "It's-"

"Well, well, well," I look up, Klahadore now standing behind us, "it appears we have some rats in our cellar."

I grit my teeth. I knew leaving my things back in my room was a mistake. I glance down at my tank and trousers. I don't have a single blade on me.

But I'll make do.

Klahadore unveils his hand, pointing the blades at us.

Zoro stands, "I knew I had seen you somewhere. You're Kuro, captain of the black cat pirates."

I stand as well, sweeping my hair out of my face. There's three of them and three of us. Assuming Usopp can use his aim to help, we'll be fine.

"Klahadore's a pirate?"

"A dead one," I frown, "I heard you were killed by axe-hand morgan."

"A clever ruse," he snarls, "one that imbecile's ego helped me perpetuate. And as you'll soon learn, no one interferes in my plans."

I grin, it's been a few days since I've had a good fight, "guess you'll get a bounty after all, Zoro."

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