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019 ⎯⎯⎯ the fishmen.

   "Which one of you is Arlong?"

   "Who's asking?"

   I peer over Luffy's shoulder and into the restaurant. Arlong isn't hard to find, one of the only fishmen in the establishment and the only patron not currently quivering in fear.

   "I'm Monkey D. Luffy," Luffy announces, "I heard you're looking for me."

   Arlong sneers, "why yes I am."

   I follow my friends down the steps as Arlong begins to pace around, speaking out to the restaurant. "So this is the pirate I've heard so much about? You know, I was expecting someone...bigger?"

   Luffy grins, "so was I."

   I bite my lip.

   I might be rubbing off on him.

   "Do you know who I am, boy?" He decides to answer his own question, "I'm Arlong the saw. Even the Marines flee before my flag."

   I scoff. What a joke.

   "Something funny, little girl?"

   I shrug, "is making the Marines scared a flex? A toddler could do that."

   Before he can spit an insult at me Luffy steers us back to the issue at hand, "how'd you find us anyway?"

   "Old friend helped me track you down."

   One of his henchmen pick up a sack at his feet, pulling it open and pulling out- oh my god. I'm sure my face visibly darkens at the sight of the clown.

   "Heya, Straw Hats! Did you miss me?"

   "Not much," I mumble.

   "Burpy? What're you doing here?"

   Rather than correcting him, Buggy just laughs. How he has fallen. "Believe me it wasn't my first choice either. But these fine fishy folk persuaded me to point them in the right direction, which ain't easy when you don't have any hands!"

   Nobody laughs.

   I roll my eyes, "how'd you find us?"

   "I told you, I've got eyes and ears everywhere." Luffy's hat wiggles on his head, Buggy's ear popping from the red band and flying to meet his head. He lets out a laugh, "Stereo!"

   I sigh. Planting a spy on the easiest person to fool.


   "You were listening all along? You heard everything?"

   "Everything! And that got old quick cause you shit-iots have no idea what you're doing!" He turns, "hey lips! How about a scratch behind the o'le ear?"

   "Sorry, honey."

   "Oh come on! Give a clown a break!"

   The fishmen grabs him, shoving him back into the rucksack despite his complaints and protests. He drops him back to the ground, giving no hint of carefulness.

   "Listen here," Arlong calls attention back to him, "I want my map, along with half of whatever you plunder as tribute. And if you bow down to me, I might even let you serve in my kingdom."

   My god this guy's hubris is off the charts.

   Zoro would get a kick outta this.

   "I don't bow down to any man."

   "I'm no man."

   "Or fish."

   I can see a vein pop on Arlong's forehead.

   "And you're no king," Luffy shrugs.

   "I will be when I get my Grand Line map."

   "Then, you're gonna have to fight me for it."

   "Then let the fighting begin."

   Before we can even get to the good part Zef appears, shooting a bullet into Arlong's back. It bounces off his skin, clattering to the ground.

   One of Arlong's henchmen stands, kicking in Zef's peg and sending him to the ground. He punches him in the chest, sending him back through several tables and into the wall.

   Nobody ever taught them to respect the elderly?

   Before I can do anything Sanji jumps past me. "Zef!" He kicks one of the fishmen in the chest, sweeping his legs under him to trip him. He turns to kick the neck one in the face, the man (or fish) catching his leg.

   He twists it, throwing him away across the restaurant.

   I glance at Luffy, my turn?

   He nods.

   I grin.

   I glitch into the center of the room, both fishmen taking steps towards me. I unsheath my sword from my back, my wild grin slimming to a smirk.

   Only thing my dad was good for.

   I flip it around my wrist, spinning it in the air as I glitch to the nearest fishmen, quickly slicing him across the back. He reaches for me and I block, planting my foot on his chest.

   "Bye bye," I kick him back, sending him to the wall across from Zef.

   Feeling a hand on my shoulder I grimace. The second fishmen pulls me backwards, grabbing my sword. I let it go and let him have it, sending him tumbling back. I set my foot on his chest, grabbing my sword back from him.

   I glare at him, "don't look up my skirt."

   When I turn back to where Arlong should be standing, he's not there anymore.


   I glitch a few steps away, looking at where he was standing behind me. He's grinning wide, ""I'd hope not, otherwise that'd mean your men were worse."

   I attempt to glitch behind him but he's turned around, one hand wrapped around my blade, the other on my shoulder. "Don't use the same trick twice."

   I let it go and it doesn't fall to the floor. Why doesn't it fall to the floor? Nobody should be able to hold that sword but me-

   My thoughts are interrupted as he kicks me backwards, sending me not far from where Zef is. My back aches and my brows twist in pain.

   What the hell?

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