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024 ⎯⎯⎯ family.

   "Hello lovely."

   I smile at Sanji's antics, brushing off my skirt as I hand him a plate. He fills it to the brim with food, "you like?"

   I shrug, "I've had better."

   "I'd love to show you better."

   I wrinkle my nose, taking back my plate. "Keep up the good work blondie!"

   "I love when you call me that!" he sings.

   I roll my eyes, making my way over to Zoro and Luffy. We stand listening to Usopps extravagant story about how he singlehandlely defeated Arlong and his crew.

   He finds us standing int the crowd, his smile dropping. "With a little help of course, I guess I wasn't completely alone."

   "Three cheers for captain usopp! We couldn't have done it without him!"

   I nudge Luffy, the boy grinning uncontrollably.


   I turn, the marines filing into camp as the admiral stands in the center. I frown, wrapping my hand around the handle of my blade.

   "I'd rethink that if I were you," the right hand remarks.

   I scowl, "would you now?"

   Luffy sets a hand on my arm and I reluctantly lower it.

   "So these are the straw hat pirates," the admiral muses, "hah! Marines, arrest them."

   Koby tries to plead our case, "Sir, the strawhats didn't destroy Coco village it was Arlong."

   The admiral side eyes him, "you have your orders cadet.


   "What did you say?"

   "I said no, sit."

   "You do realize there are severe punishments for disobeying direct orders?"

   Koby looks scared, "I disagree with those orders sir."

   "Me too," bad haircut steps up beside him and my eyes widen.

   Now there's a surprise.

   "Anyone else like to follow their lead? Or do ou all want to follow orders instead?"

   A gorup of men line up in front of us, holding their guns at the ready.

   "Any of them move, make sure it's their last."

   I smirk, readyign to glitch."

   "Don't try it girl," the admiral looks at me, "Sora Mihawk, devil fruit eater. YOur dad told me all about you."

   I feel a vein pop in my forehead. What an asshole

   "Come here boy," he orders."

   "I gave you every opportunity to follow my path. To become a respected Marine. But instead, you chose to become a pirate."

   "No, Grandpa. I've always been a pirate."

   "No more running boy, last chance. Give it up!"

   "That's not really my thing."

   "Then fight!"

   Luffy charges forward, his grandfather sending him flying backwards with a singular punch. He marches towards him, "this is what you wanted, to be a pirate? Well, I'll show you what Marines do to pirates."

   "I don't want to fight you grandpa."

   "You've been fighting me your entire life!" He punches him again.

   Luffy doesn't retaliate, allowing his grandfather to send him back again.

   "I thought I trained you better than this."

   "You did."

   He extends both arms, latching them to trees. "Gum gum....rocket!"

   He flies forward, only to be decked again.

   I wince.

   "You don't know how dangerous the world is, the grand line isn't some child's game," he picks him up, "I told you, you're not ready."

   "You can hit me all day long, but I'm not giving up on my dream."

   "Is that so?"

   "I'm going to the grand line, and I will find the one piece. And I will be king of the pirates."

   I smile. He's just as dumb as the day I met him.

   The admiral drops him, chuckling to himself. His small chuckle turns into maniacal laughter as he tuckers himself out. "Have it your way, lower your weapons!"

   He starts back over to his crew, "what're you all still standing around for? Arlong's pirates are still on the loose. Hunt them down and arrest them."

   The marines abide, turning and marching away.

   "What about the straw hats! Arrest them-"

   Nami spins her staff, knocking the rat in the back of the head. He drops to the ground and she just shrugs.

   "Well guys?" Luffy grins. "Suppose it's time to hit the road."

   If you had asked me a few weeks ago, if I had any friends, the answer would've been no. I glance around, a grin playing at my lips.

   But now I have a family.

   "Let's go!"


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