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004 ⎯⎯⎯ buggy the clown.

   "Would you two knock it off? I'm trying to take a nap," Zoro sighs.

   "Oh I'm sorry were we interrupting your beauty sleep?" Nami snaps, glaring at him over her shoulder.

   "Don't like what you see? Look away."

   I look between the two, my eyes landing back on Nami as she clicks open the safe. Zoro stands to investigate and I stay still, my back leaning against the wall.

   "That's it? Isn't there supposed to be gold in a safe?" Zoro complains.

   I watch as Nami glares at him and the two bicker. This is a ridiculous attempt at a "crew". They seem to finish whatever discussion they're having, pushing past me into the cabin.

   This time I follow, watching as Nami spreads out the map.

   "The seas are divided into four quadrants," she explains, "east blue, north blue, west, south."

   I nod, I've already searched the west and south. Still no sign of him.

   "This thin string of land that circles the globe is called the red line," she draws it out with chalk, "and this band across the middle, is the grand line. A treacherous stretch of ocean with bigger islands, bigger cities, bigger pirates. Flush with riches and ripe for the picking."

   If he'll be anywhere, it'll be on the grandline.

   "And that's where we're gonna find the one piece!" Luffy grins.

   Zoro nods, "I've taken out a lot of pirates looking for that thing. What is it? Like a big diamond or something?"

   My interest piques, "you've never heard of it?"

   His eyes flit over to me nonchalantly.

   I frown, I hate men.

   "It's Gold Roger's treasure," Luffy explains, "he hid it somewhere in the grandline. All in one piece."

   "It's a myth!"

   "It's not," I sigh.

   Everyone looks at me.

   Nami narrows her eyes, "how do you know?"

   "Because I do," I roll my eyes, "believe me or don't."

   An explosion sounds.

   "Is that the marines?"

   "How did they find us?!" Nami scrambles to gather the map, following Luffy and Zoro out of the cabin. I watch from my place as a red glow lights up the sky.

   This isn't the marines.

   I recognize these theatrics.

   Smoke rains down and I hold my breath, watching as everyone collapses. This couldn't be him could it? I feel myself strain for breath and I realize I need to move.

   Before I can go anywhere someone appears in front of me. I dodge their first blow, their second hitting me right in the gut, causing me to gasp for air.


* * *

   "Sora," someone shakes me, "Sora wake up!"

   I force my eyes open, groaning in pain as I touch the bruise on my stomach, "fuck, that hurt."

   Slowly, I sit up and look around the cage-crate thing we're in. Feeling a slight lightness I look down. My belt and thigh pack are gone, along with my leather harness.

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