two. the night of the comet

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the comet viewing party!

To say that Bonnie was concerned for her cousin was an understatement

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To say that Bonnie was concerned for her cousin was an understatement. Ever since Iylah left the hospital, she had a certain routine for every time she was under stress and that was for her to go on an early morning run, not for long, but leaving her enough time alone to calm her nerves.

So when she saw the fifteen-year old walk back in the house at half seven in the morning in running wear, she did admit she wondered if there really was something on her mind, especially since she barely spoke a word on the ride to school either.

After their first class, Iylah and Quinn had caught up with Bonnie and Caroline in the hallway, and joined in conversation as Bonnie explained to the family friends about her new psychic abilities.

"I'm confused." Caroline furrowed her eyebrows at her friend after what they have been speaking about. "Are you psychic or clairvoyant?"

"Technically, Grams says I'm a witch." She said in correction. "My ancestors were these really cool Salem witch chicks or something. Grams tried to explain it all, but she was looped on the liquor, so I kinda tuned out. Crazy family, yes. Witches, I don't think so."

Caroline smiled as she remembered someone she saw the night before. "Yeah, feel free to conjure up the name and number of that guy from last night." She mentioned to the Bennett girl, which caught the two sophomore's attention.

"I didn't see him. You did." Bonnie reminded the blonde, but before she could continue, Iylah and Quinn spoke up with follow-up questions.

"Hang on a minute. What guy?"

"More importantly, was he cute?" The Henderson girl perked up, smirking towards her non blood-related sister who paused for a moment before nodding her head. "I saw the guy at the Grill last night, and from what I remember. Yes, he was."

"Oooh." Iylah and Quinn let out at the same time in a teasing manner.

Bonnie chuckled at that before she looked back at Caroline. "Why didn't you just talk to him?" She wondered, causing the blonde to shrug. "I don't know. I was drunk."

"Alright. We're gonna go now." Iylah referred to herself and Quinn as she said that. "Maybe see if we can find Jeremy, but before we leave," She looked back at Bonnie and Caroline. "are we still on for the Grill after school?"

Caroline nodded with a smile. "Of course we are."

"Alright, bye!"


As promised, it was after school and Iylah was sat outside the Grill with the girls, drinking her coke and helping fold the flyers for the comet viewing party, while she listened to Bonnie talking about what they have heard from their Grams about the night of the comet.

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