seven. haunted

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chasing a vampire at halloween!

CHAPTER SEVENchasing a vampire at halloween!

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Vicki Donovan was missing. After completing her transition by feeding from Logan Fell's now dead body, when Damon killed him, the newly-turned vampire ran away into the darkness, and nobody saw her for the whole weekend. Bonnie and Iylah had been with their Grams for the two days that they had off. Meanwhile, with the Gilbert's, Elena continued to keep an eye on her younger brother, Jeremy, who expressed his worries about Vicki's disappearance, all while dealing with her current breakup with Stefan. Also, Caroline had dragged Quinn along through multiple stores during the weekend, to find costumes for the Halloween party that the High School was organising.

"I have got your costume." Caroline sang, making her way towards Bonnie who stood by the lockers in the hallway. The blonde held Bonnie's costume in her hand, walking beside Quinn as she handed the clothing to the Bennett girl. "It's all here."

Bonnie opened the bag to pull out the Halloween costume that Caroline picked out for her, only to roll her eyes and give her best-friend an 'are you kidding me?' look, because of the witch costume she was now holding. "Seriously?"

Quinn sighed, clicking her tongue. "I told you she wouldn't like it." She reminded her adopted sister who groaned.

"Ah, come on." Caroline rolled her eyes and leant back against the lockers. "Can someone please be excited that it's Halloween? I just wanna have fun, you know, just some silly, fluffy, Damon free fun."

Bonnie reached her hand in the bag, pulling out a familiar necklace. "Hey, isn't this the one you got from Damon?" She asked, referring to the yellow crystal necklace between her fingers.

"Yep. Wear it. Toss it. I don't care." She answered with a shrug. "I just want it gone."

"Hey, have you seen Elena? And Iylah? I thought she would've been with you." The Henderson girl pointed out, and Caroline nodded.

"Yeah. Do we know what they are wearing?" The blonde-haired girl mentioned, pulling away from the lockers.

"I'm not sure." Bonnie sighed. "Iylah was with me and Grams all weekend and the last I saw her was when she left the house this morning. And Elena, I haven't talked to her. Maybe she's with Stefan."

The blonde practically rolled her eyes, and leaned her back on the lockers once again. "Riding to his castle on his white horse." She replied bitterly.

Quinn gave the blonde a look as Bonnie spoke up, noticing her tone. "Don't be bitter. It provokes wrinkles."


"Coffee is our friend. It's the caffeine. It circulates through our veins and it warms our body so we're not so cold to the touch." Stefan explained to the Donovan girl, as he and Elena sat with her at the table. The two vampires had mugs in their hands filled with hot coffee, while Elena listened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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