four. family ties

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founder's party!

After talking to Caroline, Bonnie followed the girl to a table in the Grill, with Iylah and Quinn in toe as the Bennett questioned

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After talking to Caroline, Bonnie followed the girl to a table in the Grill, with Iylah and Quinn in toe as the Bennett questioned. "You're taking Damon to the Founder's Party? What about me?" As the party was coming up, she was struggling to find someone to accompany her.

"Go with Elena."

"She's asking Stefan." Bonnie told Caroline as the group sat down at the table.

Caroline sighed. "Okay, go by yourself." She said bluntly, causing Bonnie to pull a face as she put her bag on the floor next to her chair.

"Gee, thanks." Bonnie replied sarcastically before looking over at Iylah and Quinn who reacted with a chuckle. Turning back to the Forbes girl, Quinn opened her mouth to ask her.

"Wait, Care. What about Mama Liz?" From what she's heard from Iylah, and what she had seen at the dinner that Friday, Quinn wondered. "Is she okay with you bringing Damon?"

"And I'm supposed to care why?" Caroline asked rhetorically, making Quinn look back at her best-friend as they shared a strange look that Caroline didn't see, since Bonnie grabbed her attention once again.

"He's older sexy danger guy." She pointed out to the blonde Forbes, making Iylah pull a face at her description of Damon.

Caroline furrowed her brows. "Older sexy danger guy?" She echoed before the confused expression on her face changed into more of a smug one. "Is that an official witch twitter tweet?"

"No more witch jokes, okay?" Bonnie spoke in a serious matter, reminding herself of what went on at the last game. "That whole Mr. Tanner prediction thing has me freaked."

"Okay." Caroline stayed quiet for a moment until she spoke again to point out. "And Damon's not dangerous. You know, he just has a lot of issues with his brother. You know, like major, deep-rooted drama." She spoke from what Damon has told her.

Iylah sat up on her chair and looked at the blonde in question. "Like...?" She was asking for Caroline to elaborate as the other two looked at the Forbes in wonder.

"I'm not really supposed to say anything."

Iylah chuckled. "Caroline Forbes, when have you ever kept a secret in your life?" She rhetorically asked, causing Quinn to nod her head, agreeing with her best friend.

"Exactly." She hummed.

"Okay." Caroline gave in before looking mainly at Bonnie as she mentioned. "But you can't tell Elena."

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