Chapter 2

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Cardan wondered if he had gone too far. The look in Jude's eyes as she left his chambers, it was pure, guttural hatred. Fine, he hated her too. At least, he wanted to. He was still angry with her, angry at himself over the oath he had made. To have no power over his own actions, over his own kingdom. He wanted her to know what it was like, to be at the mercy of who you hated most. But still, he wondered if she would ever forgive him. When he saw her enter the throne room, his heart nearly lept out of his chest. The last thing he had expected was Jude Duarte curtseying at his dais, lying about the murder of her sister's husband. When he saw her there, he couldn't help himself. He needed to feel her, to be close to her, to smell her mortality. The inspection was just an excuse, as good as any, to get her alone with him. And when they were, he lost his restraint. The chance to hold her, to dangle her powerlessness over her, was too tempting.

He didn't think she would actually crawl. When he gave the command, he was waiting for a knife to shoot out of her sleeve and find its way to his throat. In fact, that's what he wanted. Cardan couldn't deny the excitement he felt when she pushed her blade against his neck when she had first captured him. He has been chasing that rush since her exile. But she had knelt, on her hands and knees, to crawl to him. She must have been desperate to do that. He had crossed the line, he realized, when she glared at him with utter repulsion as she dragged herself across the floor. But he couldn't make himself release her, to allow her to stop. He was frozen, unable to move as he watched. It was the sight he was waiting for his entire life, and he wouldn't let go of it easily. She looked beautiful, so beautiful, on her knees. He loved it. And hated himself for it. Then he had asked her to look at him, he knew he shouldn't have, but he couldn't help himself. He saw the tears lining her eyes, the fury heating her face. Fear took hold of him then, for what she would do when she was free of him. Fear was the only thing that kept that smug smile she hated so much on his face.

When he finally exposed her ruse, he was shocked that he was still alive. She truly had no weapons on her, a marvel in itself. When she attacked, he overpowered her, something impossible just a few months before. Since her exile, he trained even harder with Roach, to distract himself from her absence. Cardan knew he was only training for her, he was a King after all. He didn't fight his enemies, he had guards for that. Jude was the only person who would dare to attack him, and as it had been, he would lose. He hated that. And so he had trained, more and more, until even Roach struggled against him. He was still terrible with a blade, but hand to hand combat made sense to him. It was harder to kill someone with his bare hands, and more satisfying to feel them squirm beneath his skin. And feeling Jude squirm was exquisite. But when he had her pinned, he had no idea what to do. If he let her go, she would kill him, or herself. He could pardon her, end her exile, but she could do that herself. After all, he had given her the power to with the way he worded the terms of her exile. Jude was the Queen, and she could end her own punishment. Why she hadn't yet, he didn't know. But after his foolishness, after what he had made her do, there was no denying it. Jude hated him, and would destroy him. He had hoped when she made her return they could resume their games, desire and loathing spun together in reluctant teamwork. But that was not possible anymore after the last hour. Any chance of freedom, and she would end him.

So he offered her the bargain. He would never kill her, couldn't bring himself to. But if she was tied to him, with that bargain, he could keep her close to him, maybe earn her forgiveness. If she had lasted any longer as his branches strangled her, she would have called his bluff, and the power would have been hers again. After they had agreed, Cardan realized he had just dug himself into a deeper hole. She would spend the next year and one day loathing him, scheming a way free of the bargain to rip out his throat. Maybe it would have been better to set her free, and let her come back to kill him. But then he would die, and he did not want to die.

Cardan plopped himself down on his sofa and held his head in his hands. He was at a loss. Somehow he had to find a way to coax the anger out of Jude. How he would do it, he didn't know. But she had managed it with him. He couldn't bring himself to truly hate her after the 6 months she was his senechal. He was angry at her, yes. She had played him, used his oath against him. But he couldn't hate her for very long, no matter how hard she tried to. He became intoxicated with her, more than he had been before. How did she manage that? He would have to find out, play the same game that she had played.

Suddenly, Randalin burst into his chambers. Cardan sprung to his feet.

"What is the meaning of this," he demanded, glaring at Randalin.

"Your highness, my apologies, but Madoc's forces are attacking the castle. He wants Taryn returned to him immediately" Randalin sputtered, clearly out of breath from running to warn him."

"How many?"

"Twelve, your majesty. And they are well trained. Our guards will soon be overpowered. They are making their way here, to your chambers, to find Taryn."

Cardan's head raced. He wished he could ask Jude's advice. He was getting better at scheming, but was still not nearly as good as she was. He racked his brain for an idea.

"Taryn will remain in her chambers until further notice. Find all the guards you can, and bring them here. I will wait for our assailants."

"Your highness, you must flee! Madoc means to kill you, and.."

"NOW, Randalin," Cardan yelled, beginning to dive into his power, into the land's power. He shut his eyes, focusing his mind. He needed as much of it as he could before Madoc's troops arrived. Guards began to fill his chambers, each bowing and awaiting his orders. Cardan paid them no heed, gathering his strength as he waited for his enemies to enter the chamber. They arrived quickly, cutting down any guards who stood in their path. Ten of Madoc's soldiers filled the room, slicing and shouting. The smell of blood filled the room, his guards began to fall. Some of them managed to down a few of the assailants, but the fight was not going well. Finally, Cardan opened his eyes. He spread his hands in front of him, channeling his flurry of emotions into his fingers. The branches from the plants behind him shot forward, tripping and grabbing at Madoc's soldiers. One soldier was lifted from the ground, hung from his legs as he was stabbed by one of the crown's men. Another's ankle was caught in a loop; he tripped, his leg snapping. Since becoming High King in earnest, since being released from his oath, the land had funneled more of itself into him. He felt the power spark in his fingertips all day, and slept restless because of it. It felt good to release some of it. Part of him hated what he was doing, the role he played in the deaths of these soldiers. But he could not be seen as weak, and he would not let Madoc take Taryn, take Jude. He had to protect her. And himself- if Jude started working with Madoc he would surely be removed from the throne.

As quickly as they had come, Madoc's squadron was defeated. One of them lay on the ground, arm bent in an unnatural fashion. One of the crown's guards raised his sword over the man, who was crying into the floor.

"Wait," Cardan commanded, and his soldier stopped, "Keep him alive. We need a messenger." 

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