Chapter 7

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Jude didn't know what she was doing. Perhaps she was still woozy from all the ointments and potions the Bomb had massaged into her body. But the way Cardan looked at her, the way he brushed her body with his gaze, she could not stop herself. She was driven mad with desire for him, and she wanted him, now. Despite her hatred towards him for tricking her, for playing her a fool, she relented to the yearning that had been festering within her for months. She wanted her revenge, and this was it. She would make him beg for more of her. Cardan began kissing her deeper, more passionately. He repositioned himself on top of her, grabbing her hands from his collar and pushing them down next to her head. He pressed himself into her, against her, and she gasped, tipping her chin upwards. He dove into her neck, kissing, licking, biting. She whimpered beneath him, unable to control the sounds escaping her mouth. She felt his tail whipping at her legs, curling around her calf. Cardan nipped at her ear, his tongue probing into it. Jude bucked, and pulled at her wrists, but Cardan kept them flat on the bed. He stopped kissing her ear and whispered,
"I expect you to obey, my queen. Do not make me command it," he purred. A shiver ran down Jude's spine. She wanted to hate letting him take control, but she couldn't deny how it made her feel, to finally succumb to him. She loved it, loved the feeling over his weight on top of her, of his teeth at her neck. She stopped writhing beneath him, and he resumed kissing her. She spread her legs for him, allowing him to press himself even harder against her. He released her hands, and reached for the clasp of her bra. She allowed him to take it off for her, and he tossed it aside. He kissed at her breasts, massaging and caressing her curves. She pushed her chest towards him, inviting, begging for more. Cardan suckled at her nipples, teeth closing down gently. Jude moaned, her hands lacing themselves into his hair. She tugged at his tunic, and he leaned back, taking it off in one fell swoop. He was straddling her, standing on his knees, looking down at her. He looked so regal, so majestic. His hair cradled his face, a crown on its own. His eyes were dark, she could barely see them in the dim lighting. She lost herself in those deep, cat-like eyes. His face was cool, composed. Jude looked up at him, trying to match his expression, but she knew her gaze gave away what she craved from him.
Cardan bent back down and kissed her again, tugging at her bottom lip. He kissed her face, then her neck, then down her chest. Jude wriggled beneath him, his tail caressing her side. She could barely keep herself from shaking out of anticipation. He pulled off the last of her garments, tossing them aside. Cardan kissed her stomach, settling himself with his head between her thighs. He began to kiss her thighs, gently, barely touching her. It drove her insane. He inched closer to her center, kissing as he went, looking up at her through his long, dark lashes. Jude pressed her hips up towards him, silently pleading with him.
"Tell me what you want, your majesty," Cardan stopped kissing her, waiting.
"Cardan...please," Jude begged, too ashamed to voice what she wanted, what she needed.
"Please? Please what?" Cardan slid a finger inside her, toying with her wetness. Jude gasped, and pushed herself down into his palm, riding his long, beautiful finger. He curled inside her, and Jude groaned, shame washing away into pure pleasure.
"Cardan, please,..." She begged, and Cardan slid another finger into her. Jude fought for her breath, her heart rate racing.
"What is it you want, my queen?" Carden teased her, nearly removing his fingers from inside her all together, waiting at her entrance, "Say it."
"Please, devour me," she breathed.
Cardan licked her slit from bottom to top, and Jude nearly lost control. He lapped at her core, sliding his fingers in and out of her as he worked. She lost control of her voice, moaning uncontrollably as Cardan fulfilled her wish. Jude shut her eyes, tilting her head up as she descended into bliss.
"Look at me, Jude," Cardan commanded. She opened her eyes, meeting his gaze. He stared at her as he feasted, pulling at her bud, trapping it between his teeth and sucking. Jude pushed her hips into his face, begging him for more. Cardan obliged, tongue massaging her, tasting her, devouring her, just as she had wished. Jude rocked her hips into him, riding his fingers fervently. Then Cardan stopped. Jude whimpered in protest as Cardan pulled away from her, climbing back up to meet her face. He leaned into her ear, and whispered,
"You taste so sweet, my dear Jude."
"Then why did you stop?" she wondered, her body begging for more sensation. Cardan reached down with his hand and ran circles over her, massaging gently. It dulled the longing within her, but did not satiate it.
"My queen has become so greedy, I cannot grant you release so soon," Cardan kissed her face, her eyelids, and her neck. It was like being lathered in honey.
"You'll have to be patient," he muttered in her ear, fingers lazilly circling her core. Jude desperately wanted more but she was indignant at being denied her pleasure. She flipped them over, so that she was straddling Cardan.
"Or, we could see what I have planned for you," Jude mused in his ear. She mimicked him, kissing his lips, then his neck, working her way down. She undid the buttons of his trousers, pulling them down for him, all the while kissing his chest, his stomach. Cardan stayed silent, watching her with desire dancing in his eyes. She released him, and began to massage his length, working her hand up and down, slowly, as she kissed his neck, his ear, his cheek. Cardan groaned into her hair, hardening in her palm. She loved the sound of it, the sound of his mounting pleasure,
"Do you like it?" she murmured in his ear. She moved slowly, gently, teasing his moans out of him. She loved it, the feeling of power that surged through her as he fought to keep his breath even.
"Y-yes," Cardan sputtered, his eyes shut tight as she hastened her speed. Cardan grew into her hand as she hurried her pace. She felt him struggle to keep his composure, and loved it. She kept kissing his neck, licking from his collarbone to his chin. He trembled in her arms.
"Wait, please.." Cardan said, but Jude did not relent. She kept going, pumping him faster as she felt him swell in her.
"Jude, please wait" he asked again, this time opening his eyes to look at her. She bent down again to his ear.
"I will make you beg for mercy, and when you do, I will deny you so sweetly," she repeated, working him faster yet. Cardan moaned, his shaft bulging more, but he fought back. Cardan grabbed her hand, forcing her to stop. He pulled them both up and pushed her onto her back, falling on top of her. Jude pushed at his chest, but Cardan pressed himself into her, the tip of his length at her entrance, waiting patiently.
"That was not very ladylike, my dearest. It will not go unpunished," he said, a smile creeping onto his face. Fear and desire swirled inside her. She was not sure what to expect but became more and more eager for it. Cardan pushed himself into her, just barely, and Jude groaned in delight. She relished in the feeling of him entering her, and only wanting more of it. Cardan slid himself in deeper, and Jude gasped, fighting for her breath. He filled her completely as he pressed more, and she could not process the sensation. He pulled himself out, nearly all the way, and entered her again. Jude screamed, her voice betraying her. It felt wondrous, incredible. Cardan found a rhythm, and she could not control herself anymore. Her eyes rolled up in her head as she approached climax, but Cardan leaned into her ear, and spoke, ever so softly,
"I command you to wait." Jude froze, unable to match his rhythm. The release she was chasing dissipated. Frustration flowed into her as she glared at Cardan incredulously. He smirked at her, but said nothing. Cardan leaned down and kissed, her so softly. His tongue parted her lips, and dove into her. She met him with the same ferocity, kissing him with everything she had in her. He began to pump into her again, and Jude quickly forgot her anger as pleasure began to refill her. Cardan quickened, pushing deeper and deeper with each thrust, kissing her breasts, her neck. She was losing herself anew, riding the edge, when she found Cardan at her ear once more.
"Again. Wait." Jude fell back into her body, sweet release evading her again. She screamed with defeat. Cardan resumed fucking her, slowly, almost painfully.
"Stop-stop it!" she pleaded, as Cardan rolled his hips, sliding into her with ease as her wetness poured out of her. He pulled one of the legs atop his shoulders, settling himself deeper still.
"Beg," he demanded. Rage filler her. She would not beg. She refused to. She would not give him the satisfaction. Cardan kept going, watching as she began to approach the summit again. Freedom felt so close, so real. Jude chased it, hoping to catch it before Cardan noticed. She tried to hide her pleasure, steady her breathing, hoping to fool him. But just the same, right before she succeeded, Cardan commanded her,
"Wait." Jude could not take it anymore, the teasing, the frustration. She needed release, craved it, or she would lose her mind. Cardan did not slow his movement, did not relent. He slid into her smoothly, watching her take in every bit of him. Cardan held her gaze as he fucked her tenderly, watching her squirm as pleasure grew within her. Jude shut her eyes, her head falling to the side, but Cardan pulled her face back, forcing her to meet his eyes.He looked at her expectantly, waiting to hear her plead with him. Jude felt yearning fill her, as her body spasmed beneath him. She could not take it anymore, the hunger he would not allow her to satiate. 
"Ca-Cardan please," she began. Cardan slowed his movement, eyes sparkling with delight.
"Yes, dear Jude?" he looked at her as she panted, searching for her voice. He stopped moving, his length pulsing inside her.
"Please...I...I beg you," she begged, looking into his eyes, praying for mercy.
"For you, my queen, I would give the world." Cardan slid into her as deep as he could, filling her up wonderfully. He resumed his swift movement, giving her everything that he had. Jude swung her hips with him, taking every inch as a gift. She felt him surge inside her. Her moans turned into screams, and Cardan began to groan with her as he fucked her faster. She tumbled over the edge, shaking with pleasure. Cardan grunted as he fell with her, both of them spasming as they sank into release. Jude forgot where she was, who she was, forgot her name. The only thing was him. Was Cardan. Her King.

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