Chapter 3

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I sat in the office and the principal, Mrs. Saki, called me to her office.

I walked in there. She was rubbing her cheek in slight frustration.

"What did you do this time Mr. Hamato?" She looked at me, crossing her arms.

"Mr. Hannon was looking at Gwen inappropriately, so I protected her from his pervy mind and told him to stare at women his own age..." I said, looking straight into her eyes, an annoyed frown on my face.

"There is more. He wouldn't send you to the office just for that." Damn it.

"He was in denial for being a pervert, then I accidentally said that I am gay..." I swallowed thickly, looking down at the ground, not wanting to see her strong gaze looking upon me.

"Go on." She simply said.

"Then I told him to go on with his single life watching porn..." I finished.

She sighed deeply, "Look at me, Raphael."

I looked at her, biting my bottom lip.

"I am thinking about firing Mr. Hannon. He has been way too touchy with the female teachers and some students." She said to me, leaning against her desk.

"Really?" I asked disbelievingly.

"Yeah. He is a horny bastard and can't be patient. Exactly the reason he doesn't have a wife," She cursed, narrowing her eyes, "So, onto a different topic."

Oh shit.

"You're gay? You're quite popular with the ladies." Fuck me!

"Gay totally means straight, huh?" I said sarcastically.

"Don't be a smart ass Mr. Hamato. So the new kid, Mr. Monkato is it?" She asked me, her eyes narrowed at me sternly.
I blushed at the thought of him.

"Y-Yeah." I cursed quietly for stuttering.

She smirked, "So that's who you like? Gwen seems to have him in reach."

"Yeah... I think she's doing that to piss me off..." I said.

"Hmm... You gotta step up your game, Mr. Hamato."

"Yeah. I just get all shy and shit." I said, growling inwardly at myself.

"I remember when you were in sixth grade. You were getting bullied," I remember... It sucked, "I tried to get you to open up to me... I lost my first son... A miscarriage."

I didn't know that though, "Oh my... I'm sorry, Mrs. Saki..."

"It's fine. My husband was devastated. Olloku Saki, Shredder as he is also known, went missing for a few days after the miscarriage," She wiped a stray tear.

"You don't have to tell me all this, Sara." I said, using her name.

She looked at me, "I want to. I need to share it with somebody... I didn't even tell my daughter."

"Who is your daughter?" I asked, curious.

"Jade Saki. She is in your class." She explained.

"Are you talking about me again?" A girl with black hair and jade green eyes walked in. She was taller than me.

"Yeah. Jade, do you know Raphael?" Mrs. Saki asked.

"Yeah! People were calling him bad names after he said he was gay and left... I don't think you are any of those things they were calling you..." She said, a sad look in eyes.

"Well, thank you, Jade. But whatever they said about me are opinions and I will not let them bring me down," I said with determination, "Gwen always told me to be strong. To ignore others when they insult me. To not care about what others thought... Just what I thought..."

"Those are wise words. I would listen to them Mr. Hamato," Mrs. Saki stated, "Now go to class."

"Okay." Jade and I said in sync.

We both walked out of her office and walked off to our next class.

"I'm sorry about all the jerks in our grade and others. They really have a judging problem." Jade spoke, breaking the silence between us.

"It's fine... They are all just dick-faces." I said, smiling.

Gwen ran behind me and jumped on my back, "Are you okay? Are you gonna be okay with all if these assholes calling you bad names?"

"Yes, Gwen. I'll be fine." I said, supporting her by her legs so she wouldn't fall.

"Yay! Piggy back ride! The last one you gave me was this morning!" We all laughed at that.

"Hey, Gwen. We haven't talked in a while." Jade smiled, looking at Gwen.

"Hi Jade! Sorry if we haven't! I just got a bit busy!" Gwen smiled apologetically.

"It's fine. People get busy sometimes." She smiled at Gwen.

"Yeah." Gwen giggled.

"Did you gain weight?" I asked Gwen jokingly.

And she obviously knew I was joking, "Oh yeah. Mortal Kombat ruins my life."

Jade didn't understand our jokes, "Raphael. That is rude."

"I was joking." I said.

"Yeah! If he wasn't I probably wouldn't have stayed on his back and he wouldn't be smiling!" Gwen said, giggling happily.

"Oh. I apologize." Jade spoke, her cheeks in a slight blush from embarrassment.

"Don't apologize for little things!" Gwen spoke gleefully.

"Yeah. It doesn't break our noses, so it's cool." I smiled at her.

"Yeah, I guess not," Jade smiled back.

We all went to our next class and, me being the clumsy person I am, I ran into somebody. Not just somebody, Leonardo.

I couldn't speak. Neither of us fell or dropped anything, just stood there staring.

"Uh... Hi. Raphael, is it? I apologize for bumping into you. I wasn't looking." Leo spoke, looking me in the eyes.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Right. See you around." Leo said, then walked off to his next class with Gwen.

I just had the perfect chance to speak to him.

But of course my mind went blank.


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