Chapter 5

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We got into the second half and I was defending this HUGE guy. But usually no guy is too big or too small.

There is one thing that happened though...

I ran to get the rebound and so did the guy I was defending, we wrestled for the ball and it was a jump ball, going our way and now we were on offense.

We passed in the ball and I called in a play.

It ran perfectly until a guy tripped Jack and his face slammed onto the ground.

I got distracted and a guy tried to swipe the ball from me. I got pissed because they didn't call anything against the player that tripped Jack, even though Jack got straight up.

I passed it and nobody passed it to me until I was open for a three pointer.

I shot the three pointer and made it, but the guy who blocked me out knocked me down and tripped, landing right on my arm and in a very bad way.

I yelled out slightly, startling the big guy that was on my arm and he got up fast. Probably the fastest I've seen him move yet.

I stood up, shook my arm a bit, and man did it hurt, but I played anyways.

I just sucked it up, avoided using my left arm and continued playing like I wasn't injured.

After the game, we won 63-20.

I got dressed and everything, walked out of the locker room and was greeted by a VERY pissed Gwen.

"Why the FRICK did you keep playing?!" Gwen yelled, not violating her cheerleading rules of cursing in uniform.

"I can't just give up from a little arm injury.

"Are you kidding me?! Little?! That thing is swelled up bad!" She said, looking at my arm.

Leo walked over and smiled, "Great job out there! Is your arm okay?"

He looked at my arm and shook his head.

"You need to get this checked out."

"I'm fine."

"No, Raph, you need to get this checked out." Leo said sternly, narrowing his eyes.

I rolled my eyes and walked off.

"Raphael Hamato! Don't you walk away!" I heard Gwen yell at me and I just kept walking.

"Raph turn around!" Gwen yelled once again.

I turned to look at her.

She held up her ring, middle and pointer finger and yelled, "Read between the lines boy!"

It took me a bit then I finally got it and shook my head, chuckling. I turned back around and ran out of the school, going to my car.

I got in my car and use one hand to steer, because my other arm is, obviously, hurt.

I got home and walked in the door, my arm throbbing in pain..

As I walked in the door, Mikey greeted me the same as usual.

"RAAAAPH! Hi- Whoa... What happened to your arm?" Mikey looked at my arm and poked it.

I gritted my teeth and bit back the pain, I spoke in a pained voice, "A big guy just landed on it, nothing bad."

"Dad! Raph's arm is hurt!" Mikey yelled to our father, Hamato Yoshi.

"Your arm is hurt?" My father spoke sternly.

"Not bad. A guy just landed on it."

"Come to the kitchen and let me check."

I rolled my eyes and threw my bag, walking to the kitchen.

"Sit down, my son." He pulled out a chair for me.

I sat and stuck out my bad arm, already knowing how this procedure went.

He felt around the swollen area, which hurt like hell, and pressed in on the parts that felt like the main disaster areas.

"Right here," Father applied a lot of pressure,"Where the guy landed with the most force."

I yelled out and tried not to pull my arm back. I bit my lip.

"Your arm is sprained." He looked at me sternly, eyes narrowed.

"I'm still playing basketball." I narrowed my eyes back.

"No you are not! You are badly injured!" He raised his voice, even though I knew he was greatly concerned.

I looked away, "I can't just leave my team like this..."

"It will take a few weeks to recover. How many games would that make you miss?"

"About... Say... Thirty?" Then I remembered its regionals this weekend, "No! I can't miss any! I'll miss regionals!"

I almost reared up at the thought but I'll play. No matter what!

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