Chapter 4

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I sat down in class, feeling as stupid as ever.

I growled slightly at myself, covering my head with my arms.

I had a basketball game that night... No doubt that Leo's gonna be there... Because Gwen cheers for basketball.

"Fucking great..." I mumbled to myself.

"Mr. Raphael Hamato, is there any reason why you are using profanity in my classroom?" My teacher, Ms. Claès, asked sternly.

"Nope. No reason what-so-ever." I replied in an annoyed tone.

"Please, I ask that you don't do it again." She said and walked away, and started to teach her class.

The day went by fast then it was the basketball game.

They were calling the starting line-up, which I was the lead of proudly.

They called Jack, my best bud, then Derek, Mark, Tyler, then finally me, the best player on the team. And they played Drag Me Down by One Direction.

I didn't choose the fucking song but it is a good song.

I spotted Leo in the stands but in basketball mode, nobody can drag me down.

I was high-fiving everybody who was lined up around the basketball court and once I reached the other lineup players, I shoulder-bumped Jack in the air and we fist-bumped.

"Let's beat these dogs!" I yelled and everybody cheered.


It's half-time and we are ahead 20-0.

I made, literally, all the baskets.

We were taking a break in the boys locker room, sweating badly.

Not me, I work out everyday and am used to this stuff. My dad doesn't let me go easily. He works me to the point where I can barely breath.

Gwen and her cheer team were doing their half-time dance to Talking Bodies by Tove Lo.

I peeked out of the boys locker room. Of course, Gwen was the front and getting all the attention.

But I know Gwen, she doesn't always like being the center of attention.

If anything, she hates getting attention at all.

I went back into the locker room and sat down on the bench, running my fingers through my hair.

"We are having a good game so far huh?" Jack asked, sitting next to me.

"Yeah. I just wish that the cheer coach would stop putting Gwen in the hardest spot that gives her the center of attention... I think Gwen was better off in Washington..." I said, sighing.

"Yeah... She's hot though..." Jack said.

"Lay off dude. You're a senior and she's a sophomore." I said, shoving him gently.

"So? At least she's not a freshman!" Jack yelled defensively.

"She was a freshman last year though." I said, being a smart-ass.

"Smart-ass." He mumbled, running his fingers through his hair.

I smiled at him and put him in a headlock, ruffling his hair roughly.

"Hey! Asshole, stop messing up my hair!" Jack tried to pull my arms off him, laughing.

"What's the magic word?" I grinned down at him, thinking of the word he hates most, moist.

He groaned, "Please don't let it be that word... Raph don't be that guy..."

"You have to say it if you wanna get out of the headlock." I smirked down at him.

"Fine. M-Moist." I let him fall to the ground as he shuddered in disgust at the word.

"See? It wasn't that bad!" I shoved his shoulder lightly.

"It was absolutely terrible!" He yelled hysterically.

I just laughed at him, "You make me laugh."

"Yeah, I can tell." He said sarcastically.

"You and your Irish self." I smiled at him.

"Hey boys! Time to get out here!" I heard Gwen yell, the coach probably ran off somewhere again.

"Alright team! Let's do good this next half!" I yelled to them, facing them, "No getting cocky, work as hard as you did last half! Let's go!"

We all ran out there.

Time for the second half...

We got this...

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