Part 8 - View From Your Knees

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Isla's POV

Miraculously, a whole ten days passed by of me living in Roman's house. After the awkward online shopping experience where he insisted on picking my lingerie, things were pretty normal. I guess we kind of became friends? And I felt so much better. It was almost time to take out the stitches and I was literally itching to do it.

I could finally bend my legs and sit down. Not for too long but sitting down on my butt again felt truly amazing. Roman helped me sit the first time and we both laughed about it. He made me laugh a lot actually, he had a great sense of humour.

Roman left to go to work during the day and I was busy trying to get my driver's license, passport and bank cards back. It was way trickier than I thought but I managed to do it all in a week. Oh, and I was only able to do that because he got me a new phone. This guy was obviously not concerned with money in the slightest.

I enjoyed spending time in his apartment and it kind of felt like a vacation. My life was on a complete pause right now. I had no place to live, no job and was reinstating my identity and bank cards. It's like I was in complete limbo and I could tell Roman liked having me around.

I was a good guest, I didn't snoop obviously, and I cooked which he seemed to really enjoy. Cooking brought me some sort of peace and a feeling of control and also, I couldn't eat the prepared meals he had, gross.

Tomorrow, I had a job interview set up and I was picking out what to wear when I heard Roman come home. It was 3pm which was way earlier than he usually came back. He knocked lightly on my door and smiled when he came in.

"Hello- where are you going, dressed so fancy?" He joked, eyeing the clothes on my bed.

"I have a job interview tomorrow! So, I'm just picking out what to wear." I responded simply but he stayed quiet and only questioned.

"A job interview? Why do you need a job?" I was completely taken aback by that question. What? Why do I need a job? Who doesn't need a job?!

"Um...because that's how adults live? And I can't live and mooch off of you forever and also, what kind of a silly question is that?" I asked him but didn't look at him.

"What kind of job?" He only responded, coming into my room.

"Ugh. Medical receptionist. I didn't finish school so...that's all I can do for now." Damn, not sure why I added that last sentence.

He turned to me and crossed his arms. "What did you study and how come you didn't finish school?"

Oh fuck. I really didn't want to talk about it.

"Medicine. It didn't work out." I replied simply and walked around the bed to place a white blouse on a hanger.

"You were in med school? And you dropped out of that? Because it didn't work out?" He asked me in clear disbelief of my reasoning. I looked up at him and he looked worried but also kind of like he was expecting me to reveal to him all my past life issues. No. That was in the past. That's why I moved states, so I could forget about it and start fresh here, although the start was beyond rocky.

"Mm-hmm. That's right. It didn't work out. Anyway. Do you think I should wear white, but that's a bit of a problem since you didn't actually buy me any bras that wouldn't show under white. Or a black blouse? Keep in mind, it will be hot as fuck tomorrow." I tried to rant on as much as possible and move past the conversation about my past.

He didn't say anything, only looked down at my clothes. What? What the hell was wrong with him? Why was he so sad about my interview, what a weirdo. I thought he'd be happy to hear I'm trying to get on my feet so quickly.

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