Part 6 - Tell Me Anything

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Isla's POV

Who the hell was Roman? I kept asking myself that question. In the shower, I closed my eyes and thought back to last night. I vividly remember someone standing at the side of the house...and then it kind of all goes blurry. Was that him standing there before I almost died trying to climb out?

He was a man of few words, clearly just taking pity on me. He was obviously rich as fuck and led a very different lifestyle than me. Although he was also very gentle and wanted to make sure I was okay. Uh oh. He said I was not his type but why would a random stranger take care of a lonely and abandoned girl in such a kind way?

It was noticeable that Roman was rough around the edges, but when he grabbed my jaw like that and forced me to take the pain meds, I almost put his thumb in my mouth. Hmm...was I into that kinda stuff? I didn't know what I was into. The last two years of my life had been a complete disaster and carnal desires were the last thing on my mind.

But when I first saw him, I was lightly reminded of how good sex felt and how a man feels. My last boyfriend, actually, my only boyfriend broke up with me two years ago. Or maybe I broke up with him, who knows, it was too painful and I honestly tried to block it out. We were deeply in love but it was just not working out between us, we both knew it had to end. That didn't make it any less painful though.

I didn't even get a chance to move on because my brother was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer a few weeks later and my parents and I spent all our free time and attention on him. I was finishing my second year of med school and literally drowning with studies and my brother was in the ICU while my parents and I took turns to be with him.

And then, shit really hit the fan for me. My brother was doing worse and worse as the months dragged on. There was nothing the doctors could do. It was just too aggressive, too all consuming, we saw him fade away in his hospital bed until he became unconscious. I was now in year three of med school and it was March. I remember studying in the library when I got the call.

My parents were driving over to the hospital again when their car was involved in a forty car pile up on the highway. Many people died that day, including them. I saw their car after and there was basically nothing left of it, it just looked like a pancake.

I buried my parents, alone. They were both only children and my grandparents had all passed away before I reached the age of fourteen.

I honestly thought I would die of heartbreak. My family was warm and kind and loving. All four of us somehow got along really well and we all loved each other. But now, everything was broken. Two weeks later, my brother took his last breath. I buried him with my parents, their graves still fresh. I was left alone. Completely alone. I stood at their graves and wondered what on earth I did to deserve this? Did I do something awful to someone to get this kind of punishment?

I always thought I was honest and kind and respectful. I couldn't justify this fate. I had to drop out of med school. Not only was I left with no money and a long probate, I physically couldn't get out of bed.

I ended up selling the house we lived in because I couldn't pay the bills. I stayed with a friend and found a job at a medical office. I didn't fully drop out of university, I deferred the next year until I could come back.

Almost a year and half later, probate is almost done but I decided to just leave it all behind and move literally across the country. And how did LA welcome me? By burning down my apartment and the little possessions I had into raging flames.

To be honest, I was desensitized to it all at this point. It took me a long time to land this apartment. It was cheap as hell and I pleaded with the landlord, explaining my circumstances. No one wanted to rent to me without a local job.

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