Delulu Roman - BONUS CHAPTER

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I wrote this bonus chapter because I finished the book and then had this scene kicking around in my head. It was placed in this part of the story to align with the timeline. Also, I miss them and their silly sexual tension. Enjoy!!

Roman's POV

After dinner, I turned the contents of my drawer upside down looking for this cufflink. I couldn't believe I misplaced it! My sister gifted it to me for my twenty fifth birthday and I was always so careful with it but it's like it disappeared.

I meticulously inspected the whole drawer - nothing. I was emotionally attached to this gift, I would turn the whole place upside down to find it. The cufflinks were actually very silly, it was two cupcakes and one had white frosting and the other pink. It was the most unserious piece of anything I owned but I cherished this gift with my life.

My sister loved to bake and I loved to eat whatever new creation she came up with, but my favourite were her cupcakes. She always poked fun at me and said that I was a brutal man but enjoyed dainty girly desserts and for my birthday, she got the cufflinks custom made with my initials. I loved them, just like I loved her baking and just like I loved her.

I checked every single shirt that came back from the dry cleaners and all the clothes that my cleaner neatly folded for me this morning. Nothing. In the laundry room, I got on my hands and knees and looked around the floor, maybe one cufflink got stuck in a sleeve and fell out. Nothing. Damn it, what the fuck.

In a last ditch effort, for some reason I opened the dryer thinking that maybe it somehow got tangled up with all my other clothes that were washed for me that day. I ran my hand on the bottom of the drum but instead of a cufflink, I pulled out a lacy red thong and immediately forgot what I was doing in the laundry room.

I recognized it right away; I bought this for Isla when she moved in a week ago and looks like she forgot to take it out of the dryer when she did her laundry. Ugh, fuck, in one second, images of her wearing it overpowered my brain and I stared at the material but my mind was seeing myself pulling it off her.

Dear Jesus, I need to get a grip. I stood at the dryer and like a complete idiot, just held the thong in my hand, unable to stop my mind from descending into dirty thoughts.

What should I do with it? What a ridiculous question crossed my mind! Obviously, I have to give it back to her, I'm not going to keep it like a fucking psycho. But maybe I could? She would eventually figure out one of her thongs is missing but for now...for now what?! Snap the fuck out of it, holy shit, she has driven me completely crazy! I'm now considering keeping her lingerie, like an absolute lunatic!

Before my mind wandered into uncharted territory, I forced myself to walk out and quickly came up to her closed door and knocked, trying to move as quickly as possible before I stuffed the thong in my pocket and walked away.

"Come in." A gentle voice ran out from behind the door and flooded my entire body with dopamine.

Slowly, I opened her door and saw her sitting on her bed, painting her toenails. Her leg was stretched out and she had to lean over to reach her toes, probably because she couldn't keep her knees bent for long.

"Hi Roman! I didn't realize you were home already!" She looked at me with a radiant smile. God, she was always so polite and genuine and it made me just want to melt into a puddle in front of her. I stood for a second longer and just devoured her with my eyes. Isla had her hair in a high ponytail and was wearing a white t-shirt and short white shorts. She looked fucking stunning no matter what she was wearing or not wearing and after every interaction, I wondered if I spent more time than was acceptable just staring at her.

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