Part 9 - 250 vs. 1

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Roman's POV

I sat across Isla in a sushi restaurant and watched her completely try to ignore me. Whatever just happened between us in my kitchen was literally tearing up my soul. I didn't mean for any of that to go down but also couldn't fucking stop myself.

I went over to actually help her but when I saw her on her knees and hands, it's like some sort of door to hell opened in my mind and I said all the things I did.

I actually had zero clue how she felt about me. Certainly, not the way I felt about her. And how did I feel about her? Well, what's it called when you think of somebody every minute of every day and night? When they bring you genuine joy and happiness and spending time with them seems to be the only thing that matters and you can't concentrate on anything or anyone else? Obsession? Sure. That's what I was. Obsessed.

But then she said she had a job interview and it really woke me up from the fantasy I was living in. It's only been like ten days but coming home to her was literally the best thing that has happened to me in my whole life. Seeing her in my home, felt like some sort of healing ointment on all the scars on my heart. Eating meals together, chatting, spending time, we even went for a walk a few times. Holy fucking shit. That simple stuff put me on top of the world. I didn't want anything else in life, I just wanted that, with her, forever.

If she gets a job, she will move out, obviously. She's only with me because she has no choice. She will move out, start her life here, get a boyfriend, go back to med school and I will be nothing to her, only a hazy memory of her painful start here.

But what was I going to do about it? Sabotage her life so she could remain trapped in my apartment? Yeah, as much as I did awful and shady shit, that was not who I was. Maybe that's why I went down such an extreme path and confronted her in such a way. I wanted something to happen. What? I don't know exactly.

I knew all the answers to the questions I asked. I knew she hadn't had a boyfriend in a very long time and that her life was a complete disaster the past few years with the death of her entire family. And I knew she deferred med school. Probably until she had the money to go back and the emotional stability.

Most likely, her parents' probate was taking forever and she couldn't even have access to anything they had left her. Med school is expensive. She must have been waiting for that to be done to go back.

"Isla?" I finally got her attention and saw her look up at me uncertainly. She was wearing a yellow summer dress with thin straps that kind of made her look like a Disney princess. Yellow suited her so well and complemented her flowing hair and brown eyes. Fuck. I was so distracted by everything she did and how she looked.

"In a few weeks, there is this event that I have to go to. It's organized by city council and it's a big dinner, and I want you to come with me." I looked at her right after I said it all and watched her look at my tattooed hands.

"Why would you want me to go to that?" She asked not looking away from my fingers.

"Because I need a date. And since you're living with me, I thought it would be easier if I took you, and not another girl. Or you want me to pick a random girl and then bring her back home and fuck her on my couch while you're there?" Yeah, I needed to tone it down but I literally could not. Somehow, that sentence didn't phase her.

"You can do whatever you want. It's your house, I'm just a temporary guest. As soon as I get a job and a place to live, I will move out." She still didn't look at me and her words broke my heart.

Ugh. She had zero feelings for me. She was just waiting it out. I momentarily considered it; coming back home with a girl and fucking her on my couch just to rile up Isla.

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