Part 7 - Pussy Whipped

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Roman's POV

I left Isla's room and slowly walked to mine, like I was sleepwalking. I had butterflies in my stomach and my entire body felt like it was on fire. I greatly enjoyed our little chat and hearing her confirm that she had nowhere to go absolutely elated me. She would stay with me, I was sure of it now.

Once I got into bed, I ordered a moka pot and milk and a bunch of other food to arrive tomorrow morning. If Isla wanted coffee from a moka pot with milk, she would get it.

Oh my God, I was complete mush. This girl was submitting me, me, without actually trying.

Knowing she was feeling better and asleep, I slept soundly but woke up early as usual. I worked out and showered and while I was unpacking the groceries, I heard her quietly open her bedroom door. I listened intently while standing at the kitchen island and heard her come down the hallway slowly and holding onto the wall.

God fucking damn it, she looked so fucking blissful and adorable in the morning. She was so sleepy, her hair was all over the place and she had not worn a bra once since I met her and it was incredibly difficult not to stare at her perky tits.

"Good morning." She cleared her throat. "Um, I forgot the toothbrush you gave me yesterday, in your bathroom."

"I'll get it for you. You want some breakfast first?" I asked and stepped back and pointed to the moka pot on the stove.

Her eyes immediately lit up and pure joy and amazement appeared on her face. Oh man, I wanted to spend the rest of my days making her feel this way.

"What?! Where did you- how do you have a moka pot?!" She blurted out through her wide smile.

"Well, I took offence that you think my coffee is awful so I'm determined to prove that's not the case." I watched her lean on the counter as she eyed the moka pot happily. "How are your legs?"

"If it's possible, both better and worse. I really want to sit down on my butt but I'm scared to bend my legs." She chuckled. "Are you planning to make breakfast with all that?"

She looked at the carton of eggs on the counter and a bunch of other shit I had bought. I hated cooking and didn't actually know how to.

"Yeah." I replied confidently.

" know how? Because if you're planning to make an omelet, which is what the ingredients look don't use a pot for use a frying pan." She responded obviously trying not to smile.

"Oh-kay chef Gordon Ramsay, show me how it's done then!" I challenged her but she only smiled and slowly hobbled over to stand in front of the stove beside me.

I saw her stealing glances at me and my naked chest. "You should probably put a shirt on." She spoke quietly and I completely ignited at that sentence, feeling my dick twitch just from her eyes on me.

"You're too distracted by my half naked body?" I asked both half joking and serious. Wow, I had to slow down. I was completely not in control of my mouth. My mouth...kissing her pink lips...licking her delicious pussy, planting soft kisses on her back. My intrusive thoughts were overpowering me again.

I saw Isla blush but she didn't falter. She turned toward me still looking at my body and spoke quietly while I looked down at her.

"You do have a nice body. Obviously. But no, I'm not distracted. If you're going to fry something, it's best to wear case the oil or butter splashes."

She finished off almost whispering and looked up at me with her large brown eyes. Damn. She was not a simple girl. She may be young and innocent but there was something behind her eyes and in the tone of her voice that I couldn't quite pick up on. Provocation? Defiance? Disobedience?

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