A Life in Shambles

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A year ago, 3 am:

I need to clear my head. My parents dropped a bomb on me today and are acting so calm about it. This is absolutely huge. It's going to change our entire lives. It's unfair that they're acting so calm. This beach is supposed to be my happy place but I am anything but happy right now and it is not making me feel better.

I'm so wrapped up in my head that I don't even notice when she says, "Hey. Can I sit?" My stomach dropped. I don't know why, my life was already in shambles. If she were gonna kidnap me that would honestly be better than what I'd have to go back to. When I turned my head I was at ease when I saw she looked to be my age. She had medium short dark brown hair. It stopped about an inch before her shoulders. She was objectively pretty. She wore an oversized t-shirt and flannel pajama shorts that you could barely see. It took me a moment to answer. "Yeah. Sure" I say.

I moved over a little bit and she sat next to me. She took her shoes off and put her feet in the sand. It was quiet for a couple of minutes. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was peaceful. I got to watch the waves and listen to the crashing. The presence of this stranger sitting next to me was just what I needed.

She finally breaks the silence. "Why are you here so late?"

"I just didn't want to be home" I say

"Did something happen?"

"I don't want to start dumping my problems out on a stranger." I say

"Suit yourself" She said.

It was quiet again, except for the waves.

"Why are you here?" I asked "I've never seen you before."

"I'm just here visiting my grandparents for the week with my dad. We go back tomorrow so I thought I would say goodbye to the beach before I leave" She says.

"Where do you live?"

"Have you ever been to New York?" She asks.

I had gone once when I was a child. My dad got sent on a business trip and took me with him. I wasn't going to tell her that though.

"Nope. What's it like?" I say

"You should visit one day" She says. Who the fuck invites a literal stranger to a random state. I'm definitely getting kidnapped tonight.

"No thank you. I'm ok." I say

It went silent again.

"I better get going before my brother or dad realize I left" She stands up. "By the way my name's Jessie" She says

"I'm Harper" I say

"Nice to meet you"

"You too." I say

She starts walking back towards the entrance. I stayed for a little while longer before going back to my life in shambles.

{weekly updates coming early 2024 see y'all then}

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