Bye Bye Parents

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{happy pride month!!! 🏳️‍🌈 enjoy a special upload to celebrate

I am slowing starting to finish this story. The entire story is planned out, it's just a matter of writing it. I still have 20 chapters left to write. Does anyone have any recommendations or ideas for my next story? Im going to need some new to work on soon. I'm thinking Young Adult sapphic romance. Some type of college relationship. I could stick with this season thing, a nice autumn vibe throughout the story}

"Kids, come down. We have to have a family meeting," Collin yells from the bottom of the stairs.

Jessie and I give each other and what the fuck look. We are currently cuddled up in my bed. I am lying on my back while she is lying on my chest with her leg up on me. I had my arm wrapped around her, rubbing circles on her back. Slightly out of character for us, as we barely kissed and held hands but she initiated and I wasn't going to say no.

"They have to be kidding me" I mumble.

She groans and gets off of me. "This isn't over"

We head downstairs, and Levi is already sitting on the couch. Collin and my mom are sitting in the two armchairs.

"We're not family" I say.

"Just sit" My mother says.

Please be breaking up. Please be breaking up. Please be breaking up.

"Collin and I are going on a little trip to Orlando this weekend." My mom starts. After making us spend "quality family time" at the beach yesterday they're just up and leaving? What the fuck?

Just to fill you in on the beach trip. It was awful. We had to play in the water with Levi the whole time and Collin wouldn't let me take Jessie for a walk down the beach. Asshole.

"The three of you will be staying here" Collin adds. Absolutely not.

"I'm not babysitting" I protest.

"Harper" My mom warns me.

"I'm coming to Orlando" Levi says.

"Yes, you are" Collin says to me. "and no you're not." He says to Levi.

"I already don't like you. I'm not babysitting your kid" I say. He should also stop relying on his 16-year-old daughter to take care of his kid but I'm not throwing her under the bus like that.

"Yeah she's not babysitting. I'm coming to Orlando." Levi says.

"How about Levi stays at grandma's and we'll stay here" Jessie chimes in.

"Yes! Yes! Grandma's! That's even better than Orlando!" He was practically jumping up and down.

"I'll call her later" He says.

"Are we done here?" I ask. I would like to go back to Jessie and my bed.

"Yes" My mom says.

The three of us stand up and start walking upstairs.

"Sorry, Levi" I say. I probably shouldn't have been such a bitch about babysitting him.

"Why are you apologizing? I know you were faking it to help me get to Orlando" He says.

I laugh. He goes into the guest room while Jessie and I go back to my room. I close the door behind me and lock it.

"Now where were we?" I say, and I lie back down.

She gets into the same position as before. I grab the remote and turn the TV on. I turn on Glee for background noise and music. I start playing with her hair.

"I know what we have to do this week" I say.

"What?" She asks.

"We have to have a girl's night" I say.

"A girl's night?" She questions. "Isn't that for 2nd graders in the early 2000s?"

"No. Girl's nights are so fun. You, me, my friends, wine, the pool, face masks, a shitty arts and crafts project and a TV show with 8 seasons. It would be perfect." I start getting excited.

"It sounds like a sleepover." She says.

"It basically is a sleepover. But we're going to be fancy and call it a girls night"

"We can't even tell your friends about us" She says.

"Do you want to have it or no?"

"Oh, I do." She says.

"Ok good. Want to go to Target to get supplies?" I ask.

"I can never say no to Target"

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