Jessie's Home

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{I saw Chappell Roan yesterday!!!! The show was so good and everyone I met was so nice!

Enjoy a short chapter just to push the story along}

Collin and Levi are on their way back from the airport. They just picked up Jessie. I thought I would be more excited to see her but I really couldn't care less. After last night, I just want to lay in bed and do nothing. TikTok has barely been keeping me entertained. I keep zoning out thinking about him. I haven't even had the energy to turn on Gossip Girl.

After a few more minutes of doom scrolling, I hear the front door open, and my mom starts talking. It is muffled, but she is clearly talking to Jessie. I would go down, but I don't feel like leaving my bed. They talk for a few minutes, and then I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

My door swings open, and Jessie is right there in the doorway with a little smirk on her face. "Hi" She says at a normal volume. "Love" she whispers.

"Hi" I say back. She closes my door and runs, then jumps on top of me on my bed in one swift motion. She must have been practicing. New York must have gotten into her while she was there. She is never this outgoing. She wraps me in a hug. I would have hugged her back but my arms were crushed. She gets off of me and sits on my bed.

"How have you been the last week?" She asks. "You look great. Better than I remember you"

I couldn't help but laugh at that. I feel worse since she has left. "Thanks" I say. "How was New York?" I ask.

"It was good. I hung out with my mom a bit and spent a lot of time with my friends"

"Aw, and you didn't Facetime me to meet any of them"

"No, I don't think we're at the Facetime stage yet. We only called while I was gone. Don't worry; they heard all about you," she says.

Oh, she was telling her friends about me. "I hope they liked me" I say.

"They love you" She says. "But in all seriousness, we need to talk later"

"Is everything ok?" I ask.

"No," she says, and I can tell by the look on her face that it is serious. She looked like she wanted to cry.

"3am?" I ask and she nods. "Do you want some good news?" I ask. I don't even know how much she is going to care.

"Yes" She perks up a bit.

"Casey and I broke up" I say.

"What? When?" She asks.

"The day you left. He found the note and we got in a fight" I say

"I'm sorry I caused that" She says.

"Don't be. It needed to happen" I say.

"Congrats on your new-found freedom" She says.

I laugh. "Thanks. I'm enjoying it already" I say.

"Do you want to enjoy it some more?" She asks.

"Yes" I say.

She scoots in front of me and plants a small kiss on my lips. I kiss her back but pull away after a couple of seconds. There are too many eyes in this house right now.

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