Kicked out of the Club

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{Still on break I'll be back on July 8th for more updates. Just wanted to wish everyone a happy last few days of pride}

"Harper this is such a bad idea," Jessie says as I put the finishing touches on my makeup in the hotel bathroom.

"It was a bad idea right?" I respond

"Oh, so you've been listening to Girl In Red?" She questions.

"I figured I should indulge in some queer media," I say.

"So you're queer?" She asks.

"Still questioning, definitely not straight though," I say.

"I would hope so. Anyway, back to this. We are going to get in trouble"

"Only if we get caught," I say.

"Why can't we just stay here, watch a movie, and maybe order room service" She says.

"There are so many gay clubs in Orlando. We should take advantage while we're here"

"Fine but we need to be home by midnight and we're allowed two drinks each," She says.

I finish my makeup and check my phone. It is a little past 11 pm. "Jessie, that's not happening. 12:30" I ignored her drink comment.

"Fine but not a minute later"

I get a notification that the Uber is 2 minutes away so we grab our things and head downstairs. The Uber ride is quick. Orlando is busy tonight. There are people everywhere all dressed up for their evening plans. I'm so excited for my night out with her.

We arrive a few moments later and get in line. The bouncer checks our IDs and doesn't question if they're fake for a moment. We go inside and the vibes are amazing. The place is loud, the DJ is playing a pop song. People are dancing, multi-colored strobe lights are going in beat with the music, there are different pride flags hung as decorations, and it is packed here with people.

We walk in and her whole demeanor changes. She looked so happy to be here after not wanting to come.

We head straight for the bar to get a drink in our hands. I try not to bump into people on the way but I inevitably do. I go up and order two vodka cranberries to keep it simple. I hand her hers and she takes a sip. She makes a face. She definitely doesn't like it.

"Come dance with me," I say and grab her hand.


We go to the dance floor and find an empty spot. We start dancing to whatever song is playing. I don't let go of her hand. I want everyone to know she is mine. We dance for about half an hour before going to sit at a table. Her feet were starting to hurt.

"Are you having fun?" I whisper in her ear.

"I love it here" She whispers back.

Just as we're talking two girls come up to us. One girl had black hair and dark brown eyes with some smoky eye shadow. I'm going to have to ask her how she did it. It looked so good. She had a nose ring and multiple piercings on her ears. She was wearing baggy black jeans and a black sheer top with combat boots. The other girl was the complete opposite. She had blonde hair and piercing green eyes. She was wearing a sequin mini dress with black pumps and so many rings. They couldn't have been much older than us.

"Mind if we sit?" One girl in the combat boots asks.

"Please do," I say and motion to the seat across from me.

They both sit down across from us.

"I'm Elena and this is Sophie," The girl with the combat boots says.

"I'm Harper and this is Jessie," I say.

"Are you two together?" Sophie asks.

"Yes," I say.

"How did you two meet?" She asks.

"I'm staying with my grandparents for the summer. Harper lives a few blocks over from them" Jessie says. Thank god she interjected, I don't want to tell them our parents are dating.

"That's so cute! Where are you from?"

"New York" Jessie responds.

"Oh you must have so much fun at the gay bars there," Sophie says.

"I've never been before," She says.

This is the most confident I have ever seen Jessie interact with a stranger.

"You're gonna have to go. I hear there is such a great sense of community there"

"It's on my bucket list. I'm not too close to the city"

"What about you? Are you two dating?" I ask.

"We've been dating since high school. We lived a few towns over from each other. We met through mutual friends" Elena says.

"How old are you?" I ask.

"Nineteen," She says. "What about you?"

They seem trustworthy. We could probably give them our real ages.

"Sixteen," I say.

Their faces drop. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

"Besties, you're too young to be here," Sophie says.

"Trust us. You don't want to get into the bar scene too young," Elena says.

"Did you drive here?" Sophie asks. I shake my head no. "You two can't stay here but we'll get you home safe."

They stand up and start heading towards the exit. We follow them and throw our drinks out on the way. What a waste. I was barely halfway done. They order a rideshare for us and wait until it comes to pick us up.

"Come back when you're 18 and we can't wait to dance the night away with you both," Sophie says.

"Thank you," I say.

"Don't worry about it" Elena says.

We say our goodbyes and get into the car. The ride was pretty quiet. The driver was playing music quietly. He drops us off and we go inside. It is before 12:30 so Jessie got what she wanted. She probably would have stayed until they closed if we didn't get told to leave.

"I'm sorry for fucking up and ruining your night," I say to Jessie as I close the hotel room door.

"You didn't ruin it. It was the best night ever" She says as she starts to undress.

"Could I make it an even better night?" I ask and take a few steps closer to her.

She leans in and kisses me. I'll take that as a yes. She pulls me in closer and starts to lift my shirt. We break the kiss for a second so she can get it over my head. We start kissing again and that's when I unclip her bra.  

{Wattpad bestie they're just making out pls don't delete my story <3 }

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