First Family Breakfast

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"Harper wake up breakfast is ready" My mom says and knocks on my door.

"I'm coming" I say.

I woke up about an hour ago. Everyone downstairs woke me up. They were so obnoxiously loud. I was waiting a couple of minutes before I got down. I check my phone. I have a few notifications. Two were texts from Casey.

Casey 💌
Good morning beautiful what are you doing today? My family is making me go somewhere I asked them if you could come they said no 🙄 want to hang out when I get back?

Then about half an hour later I got another text from him.

Casey 💌
They took me to the fucking DMV consider yourself lucky that they didn't let you come.

I responded right away.

lmfao have fun i don't know what i'm doing today i'll talk to my mom and then lyk

Next I went to Instagram because I had a notification from there too. Someone requested to follow me. Of course, it was Jessie. Her username was JessieSolace. That must be her last name. Her account was private so I couldn't see her posts. My mom was following her though.

"Harper, your breakfast is getting cold" My mom yells up the stairs.

"I'm coming" I yell back.

I quickly accepted her request and then requested to follow her. I went downstairs. The dad, Jessie, and Levi were sitting at the table and my mom was standing at the stove making the last of the pancakes.

"Hey. Sorry, I took forever" I say and sit in my usual seat.

"It's fine" My mom says and puts the last few pancakes on the table. "How did you sleep?" My mom asks and sits next to me. She normally sits across from me but Jessie was sitting there.

"Good" I say.

"I heard you up late last night. What were you doing" The dad asks Jessie.

"How did you know it was me?" She asks.

"I heard you bang into something and say oh shit" He says. Levi laughs. I crack a smile. Jessie turns a little red out of embarrassment.

"I had to go to the bathroom and couldn't find it" She says. Such a liar. She sat there grilling me for being a bitch at three in the morning.

"Are we going to see grandma and grandpa today?" Levi asks.

"Yes. They are mad we didn't see them yesterday so it'll just be the three of us. All of us will probably do something together later" The dad says.

"Ok" Levi says.

"Your parents live around here?" I ask.

"Yeah about two streets down. I grew up here. Your mother and I went to high school together." He says.

"So you obviously knew my parents were married and still decided to have an affair with my mom"

My parents were high school sweethearts. They had been together since they were literal children and he ruined that within 6 months.

"Harper enough" My mom says. Maybe it's a good thing we weren't invited to his parents' house. He is clearly going to tell him about this and it would be awkward for me.

"Whatever. What are we doing today?" I ask my mom.

"Nothing" My mom says.

"Great so I can hang out with Casey" I say.

"Who's Casey?" The dad asks.

"None of your business" I say.

"Her boyfriend" My mom says. I roll my eyes. I prefer if he knows nothing about me.

"I met Casey. He's nice" Levi says. The dad and my mom turn to look at him. I'm gonna end this kid.

"What?" My mom asks.

"I FaceTimed him last night and introduced him" I say.

"That's very nice of you I guess" She starts. "But you remember the rule. Your dad said you are not allowed to see him until we agree that you can" My mom says.

"But that was like two weeks ago. You should really get over it. It's not healthy to hold grudges" I say.

"You shouldn't be talking" She says. Ok, mom so shady I love it.

Once we finish breakfast, Jessie and I start heading upstairs. The other three stayed to clean up.

"Hey. I'm sorry for telling you all that stuff last night. Just forget I said anything" She says.

"It's fine" I say.

"Not really. I've never told anyone else about that before" She says.

"Yeah, I don't blame you" I say.

"Before we go into our rooms I have to ask, what did you do that you aren't allowed to see your boyfriend?" She asks.

"I don't know if I want you knowing" I say

"Fine, I'll ask your mom" She says.

"Ok fine. This is kinda embarrassing but I was at my dad's house two weekends ago and he went to the grocery store. I invited Casey over for a bit until he got back. Anyway, my dad walked in on us almost naked in a make-out session on his couch" I say. I figured if she was embarrassed about everything she told me last night then I could tell her an embarrassing story about me.

She starts laughing. "You're such an idiot. You're the reason I hate straight people."

"Thanks" I say sarcastically.

She stops laughing. "I have to go get ready. I'll see you later" She says and goes into the guest room.

I went into my room. I check my phone and it says that Jessie accepted my follow request. Of course, I had to stalk her. I looked and she had a lot of pictures with friends, all of them were girls. She had a good amount of followers, 832 followers to be exact. She also had a good amount of pictures with Levi. Once I was done with my stalking I waited until they left to try and convince my mom to go see Casey.

I go downstairs and she is sitting at the table. "Hey" I say and sit across from her.

"What do you want?" She asks.

"Who said I want anything?" I ask.

"You always want something" She says.

"That's true. Anyway, I want to go out with Casey" I say.

"I already said no" She says.

"But mom I never do anything bad and I promise I will never do it again" I say. Total lie. I always do bad things I just rarely get caught and Casey and I would do it again.

"Ok under a few conditions." She says. These better not be big asks. "Will you leave me alone?" She asks.

"Yes" I say. Small ask

"Will you tell your father?" She asks. Another small ask. I like where this is going

"Nope" I say.

"Can you be nicer to Collin?" She asks.

Yeah no that's a big ask. He doesn't deserve my leniency. I could lie though. "Yes"  I say with a fake smile.

"Fine but I don't want that happening again. Your father is probably scared for life" She says.

I laugh. "What about when we are married?" I ask.

"Well, I hope you are moved out by then" She says. I'll take that as a yes.

"Ok. Thanks, mom. I'll see you later" I say.

"We are going to dinner all five of us tonight. I'll text you what restaurant and what time. Have Casey drop you off and make sure you are on time" She says.

"Ok" I say and go upstairs to get ready.

First I text Casey.

we can hangout today i got the ok from my mom

Casey 💌
I'm kinda shocked she said yes considering what your dad walked in on

just come pick me up

Casey 💌
I'll be there in ten

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