Part 1

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It is commonly known that when you go drinking for the first time, you should never drink too much.

At 11:30 pm in a bar somewhere in Havana, three men who had just turned 21 went to a club.

Albert said, "Tony, you haven't even touched your drink."

Tony replied, "Aaaaaaa-h, I don't drink alcohol."

German nodded in agreement

Albert responded, "Well, alright, suit yourselves. I'm going to head over to the bartender and order a drink."

As Albert was walking to the bartender, he bumped into another table and spilled all the drinks. A group of guys who were sitting at that table stood up and started cursing at Albert.

Albert said, "Sorry. I didn't see you there. It's a little too dark for me, if you know what I mean."

Dude #1 said, "Yo, what the fuck? This gardener is fucking with us."

Albert replied, "Que?"

Dude #2 said, "Este gringo está jodiendo con nosotros."

German got up from his seat and headed towards Albert after realizing what was happening.

German said, "Look, my friend here is really drunk. Here, take a hundred for your trouble."

Albert and German started heading back to Tony.

German said, "Let's get out of here; it's getting too crowded."

The guys that Albert bumped into weren't satisfied with the hundred they were given. It seemed that if Albert and the rest stayed there any longer, it would only lead to trouble.

As the three men left the club, they ended up walking on the streets of Havana, in the dead of night.

"Dam those Cubans *hick* We came here *hick* for the *hick* Copacabana!"

"Yeah, yeah, now let's just make sure we get back to the hotel," German says to Albert. 

Tony and German carry Albert by his shoulders, he's gotten himself so wasted that he can no longer stand. As they were walking, a group of men emerged from the shadows.

"Turista, ¿eh? Ustedes no deberían estar caminando por las calles a estas horas de la noche." One of the men say

"Jefe, mejor robémoslos." Another one says

"Apuesto a que ese gringo borracho tiene bastante dinero." At that comment all of them nodded in agreement.

They pull a gun out on Albert. Albert being so drunk didn't even realize it was a gun.

"¿Esa es una plátana mala, o qué?" Albert says sluggishly

"¡Es un mexicano!" They all put out their guns and shoot the three of them on the spot


The question was posed, "If you were given the chance to be reborn in a new world, what would you want to be reborn as?"

Albert was confused at the sudden question, "what?"

After a few minutes, an explanation was given,"You have died and have been selected as a viable candidate. You are to be reincarnated in a medieval fantasy time period, where magic and sorcery rule instead of science. Do you wish to reincarnate?"

Death race across Albert's mind. He didn't wish to die, "I want to reincarnate! Please let me reincarnate!"

"Confirmed candidate willingness to participate. Please select race you wish to reincarnate."

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