Part 5

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"Kid, why don't you go back to your friends. Am sure the mass is over by now." Fredrick said. What he saw before him was quite the unusual kid around these parts. He looked down on Albert, or accurately looked at his bright brownish tail. The entire time he was telling his story, Albert's tail was swaying. His bright yellow eyes seemed as if they were lit aflame by an idea.

"That was an amazing story, old man Fred!"

"Who you calling an old man! Am only 40!" Fredrick ruffled Albert's brown hair. His hair was shoulder length, uncommon for someone being raised by the church.

Although everyone in Torgrenze knew that from the three boys being raised by the church. Albert was the most distanced from their teachings. He wasn't rebellious or was by anymeans a heretic. He was just a normal kid, who wasn't fond of the idea of listening to a person preach to him.

"Hey! It was a joke!"

"Joke! Don't you joke about somebody's age!"

"You did that to Folas!"

"Don't talk back to your elders!"

Albert ran around Fredrick avoiding any of his attempts to discipline him.

"Albert! There you are!"

Albert stopped in his tracks. Igan appeared before him. It's been 10 years since Albert and the rest have been  taken in by the church. His face has visibly aged since then.

"Due to your absence from mass, Tony and German had to take on your role as well as theirs." Igan sighed, "Have you no shame?"

Albert thought for a minute, "God will forgive."

Igan smacked him in the head, "Just because he will forgive doesn't mean you can take advantage of that!" Igan's face was red with rage, "As punishment you shall clean the entire church by yourself! I expect it to be clean by tomorrow morning!"

"Clean! I hate cleaning!"

"Well then, you know not to skip out on mass next time" with that little lecture from Igan, he departed.

"Kid you best start clearing. The sun is setting soon. You won't be able to see a damn thing in there, even with candles."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll go. See you later old man!" Albert says running off.

As Albert approaches the grand cathedral he sees two figures in the distance. One's shorter than him, with blonde hair tied up. His green eyes are unnaturally bright and colorful. The pointy ears he possesses are the biggest indicator to the fact that he's an elf. Although Folas and Ava think that he's a half elf. Even in another world it seems that Tony will never surpass Albert nor German in height.

The other figure is the same height as Albert. With deep black, short hair and purple eyes to compliment it. The aura around him makes an air of charisma that surrounds him. A member of the devil race but no one besides Albert and Tony know.

"Albert get your butt in here!" Tony said, rolling up his clergy robe. "I had to your flipping job cuz you weren't there!"

"Good you could learn to socialize a bit."

"I also had to do your job." German said, nodding along with Tony's complaining

"My bad German, didn't mean for you to do my job" Albert said, apologetic

"What about my apology?" Tony said, clearly waiting for one

"You aren't getting one, know if you excuse me." Albert went past them entering the cathedral.

"You think Albert will be able to clean the entire cathedral by the morning?" Tony asked German

To which he responded with a simple, "Hmmmm" He knew Albert was capable of doing a simple chore like that. Whatever he will procrastinate or not is a different story.

"Let's head over to Fred's place. It's not like we got anything to do today." Tony says walking away from the cathedral

"We're gonna ask him again today?" German says

"Might as well, no harm in trying."

"Except annoying him" German retorts


"One kid leaves, another two takes his place."

"Fred can you teach us how to use a sword?" Both Tony and German beg

Fredrick let's out a sigh, "You three have been asking the same question for practically a year straight. Why do you guys need to know how to use a sword? Who are you planning to kill?"

"We're not trying to kill anyone!" Tony says defensively

German steps in to say, "We just wanna know how to protect ourselves."

"You're in the city, there's no danger."

"What about street thugs?"

"We have guards for that very reason. Let's not forget you kids belong with the church. No one would be stupid enough to lay their hands on you."

"Then what about outside the city?"

"Again you're from the church, clergymen have access to holy orders who protect them."

"But what if we don't wanna be clergymen when we're older? What if we want to be adventurers?"

"Kid listen, being a priest is an incredible thing. They have access to so many perks. The only downside I can think of is that they can't be with women but even then. I heard of many priests who broke that rule. Being an adventurer has no benefits. You're more likely to end up dead before making it big."

This continues for a few more minutes. Going back and forth between German and Fredrick. Eventually Tony raises his voice, "Fred what if we still wanna be adventurers when we are 17? If we still want to, will you please teach us then?"

Fredrick takes a minute before sighing, "If you kids still want to be adventurers then... I will teach you all I know but you three. Yes three, including Albert must first become eligible to become priests. I don't want you guys to forfeit that position right now. If you choose to refuse it then... Well that's that."

Tony and German looked at each other. They weren't sure if they heard him correctly. He really agreed to teach them if they are still dedicated later. German was amazed that Tony was the one to convince him. Although he's a little bummed out by the fact that he has to wait another seven years before learning. Tony worried about the fact that Albert also has to qualify to be a priest. He's not exactly church material. Even so Tony and German have something to look forward to.

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