Part 10

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The city bustled with laughter and music, the air thick with the aroma of sizzling food and the sweet smell of mead. Colorful banners fluttered in the breeze, the symbol of the church on each one of them. An angel holding a chalice in between its hands, enraptured by a holy aura.

Groups of people huddled together to dance joyously around the city center. Their laughter blends in with the lively melodies of musicians playing on street corners. All around can be heard the clinking of glasses and the chatter of groups, all talking about the Saint. Merchants from across the empire have arrived to set up shop. Stands adorned with festive decorations lined the streets, offering an array of delicacies from roasted meats to freshly baked bread, and sweet pastries that usually only nobles have.

With no work to be done that day, the younger people sought to start the celebrations a bit early to the disapproval of the older generation. The people were anxious, many thought that Albert would have failed the trial and in doing so, would result in no Saint being born. So it came as much-needed relief to many when they heard the news that the Saint had officially been born. Especially the lumberjacks who had worked earlier in the week to help set up the festival.

At the very center of the town laid a stage built just a few days ago for the very purpose of revealing the Saint. The stage is several meters off the ground, made from the wood of the forest nearby. The lumberjacks went the extra mile carving intricate designs into the stage. Fine silk drapes were added onto the stage, each displaying more art of the church. The stage can comfortably fit six people. The six who were planned to be shown were of course the Saint, Father Igan, and the few nuns who will be helping with the ceremony.

As the Sun began to set, torches were lit ablaze. In the center of the city, people began gathering in front of the stage. Father Igan can be seen talking to the nuns, ordering them in preparation for the ceremony. They run bringing things to the stage. They set up the lectern, and Igan holds in his hands a golden chalice.

The moon stands high in the sky. A cold breeze flows through the crowd, Father Igan stands, and he begins the ceremony. He raises the golden chalice for all to see, saying the sacred words, "Lux nos dirigat". The chalice was enraptured by a holy light, giving warmth to all. The crowd gazed upon its light, hypnotized by its beauty. The light steadily got brighter, bursting a blinding light. Once the light had settled there stood on the stage the Saint. He wore the white robes of the priest. His face was covered by a thick silk white fabric covering his face. By his side were four nuns all kneeling before him, praying to him. As he stood the same light that came from the chalice began radiating from him. He held his hand out to the audience, "Saltare ad pulsu meo, arborem suspicor", the ground beneath the stage began to tremble, and from its depths emerged vines and wood, intertwining and weaving together to form a magnificent wonder. The stage was transformed into a towering tree, its massive trunk rising up, covering the entire city

The audience backed up in awe. The Stage had been incorporated into a huge tree, which now stands in the center of the city. The stage lies at the tree's base, the crowd was stunned for a moment before rupturing into cheers for the new Saint. That was the ceremony of the newest Saint of John Mathew.

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